

字词 哲学的终结


the end of philosophy


Zhang Yibing: Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 359.






1. 我之所以说马克思的科学批判理论是一种话语,意在表明马克思在1847年以后不再直接以哲学逻辑的方式批判现实,哪怕是一种科学的哲学世界观!马克思的哲学新视域仅仅是一种方法论层面上的历史唯物主义和历史辩证法,它的合法存在仅仅作为历史、经济学和政治研究的方法论引导,并以一种隐性的功能结构发生在实证研究之中。所以,马克思的科学批判理论只是一种方法论话语。马克思恩格斯后来多次谈到“哲学的终结”都是意谓这一语义。这种方法论话语的最大针对性,就是赫斯和蒲鲁东式的隐性唯心史观。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:458-459

1. The reason that we refer to Marx’s scientific critical theory as a kind of “discourse,” is to show that after 1847, Marx no longer directly used philosophical logic to criticize reality, not even using a scientific philosophical worldview. Marx’s new philosophical outlook was merely a form of historical materialism and the historical dialectic on a methodological level; its only legitimate role was in historical research, as a methodological guide to economics and political research, and as a latent, functional structure in the study of real facts. Therefore, Marx’s scientific critical theory is merely a methodological discourse. This is the meaning of Marx and Engels’ frequent reference to the “end of philosophy.” The primary target of this methodological discourse was the latent idealist conception of history espoused by Hess and Proudhon. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 359.

2. 然而,必须牢记的是,在恩格斯阐发他的哲学观点的三部主要著作中,有两部是在马克思生前写成的。《自然辩证法》虽然到1925年才最终出版,但初稿在1873年就开始撰写了。《反杜林论》在德国社会民主党的《人民国家报》(Volkstaat)上连载前,恩格斯实际上把每一期都念给马克思听过。只有《路德维希·费尔巴哈和德国古典哲学的终结》才是在马克思逝世以后写成的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:7

2. It must, however, be remembered that two out of the three major writings in which Engels developed his philosophical views were composed during Marx’s lifetime: The drafts from which the Dialectics of Nature was eventually published (in 1925) were begun in 1873; and Engels actually read out to Marx the instalments of Anti-Dühring as he wrote them for the German Social Democrat newspaper Volkstaat. Only Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy was actually written after Marx’s death. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 9.

3. 就理论思想的层面来看,前苏东垮台之后,西方思想界大量充斥着资产阶级意识形态的“末世论”式的喧嚣,如“历史的终结”、“马克思主义的终结”等政治断言,同时不乏一些诸如“哲学的终结”、“人类的终结”之类的理论思潮蠢蠢涌动。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思主义思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:311

3. After the collapse of the former Soviet Union and Eastern European socia1ist countries, the Western intellectua1 circ1e was filled with the "doomsday" uproars of capita1ist ideo1ogy, 1ike the po1itica1 assertions of "the end of history", "the end of Marxism," with the surging theoretica1 thoughts of “the end of phi1osophy,” “the end of man” and so on. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 406.


例句 1:
Only Marx and Engles reveal the root of the basic philosophy clearly. Engels said, " Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy" in explicit He pointed out: the basic philosophy’ problem is the relationship between thinking and being is the basic problems of philosophy.

例句 2:
The end of philosophy means the end of systematizing philosophy which aims to build a traditional system of metaphysical truth. In nature, philosophy ended in its own development; from the view of phenomenon, the philosophy ended as a result of the development of science; and from the view of research subject, philosophy will end because of the change of philosophical subject from the abstract system of truth-seeking to human's real life itself or living environment. From the view of cognition, philosophy should come to an end as its secret of establishing theoretical system reveals.

例句 3:





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