

字词 哲学史


philosophical history; the history of philosophy


[1] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: xxv.
[2] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. London: Macmillan Press, 1998: 149.


哲学史属于一门独立的科学,它主要以哲学思想的历史与发展与变化为研究对象,是介于哲学与历史学之间的学科。但是当前我国学术界有一种观点认为,哲学就是哲学史。哲学史产生于古希腊时期,著名哲学家第欧根尼•拉尔修等人曾对古代的哲学学说进行过综述。虽然第欧根尼等人已经对哲学史进行了论述,但第欧根尼等人的综述还不是真正的哲学史著作。直到德国古典哲学家黑格尔对西方自古希腊到启蒙运动中间两千多年的哲学史的发展做出了重要概括,哲学史才真正成为一门系统的、精深的学科。黑格尔的《哲学史讲义》就是关于哲学史的第一部专门的论著,此后哲学史编写方兴未艾。在黑格尔之后,科技哲学史、马克思主义哲学史、美学史、逻辑学史等哲学史相继出现,一大批从事哲学史研究的哲学家相继涌现。目前,按照不同地域或国家,哲学史区分为各种哲学通史,如中国哲学史、欧洲哲学史、德国哲学史等。按照不同地域或国家的不同历史时期,哲学史又区分为各种断代哲学史,如中国近代哲学史、欧洲古代哲学史、美国现代哲学史等。哲学史还包括各种专题史,如易教哲学史、儒家哲学史、英国认识论史、西方科学方法论史、马克思主义辩证法史等。在中国,习惯上将哲学史区分为中国哲学史、外国哲学史、马克思主义哲学史三个部分(王续琨,1999: 583)。




1. 第四种解读模式为传统马克思主义哲学史研究中较为普遍的量变“进化说”。这是前苏联(尤其是20世纪60—80年代初)学者解读马克思哲学的理论观点。由于他们拘泥于列宁对马克思思想发展分期观点的框架(列宁没有看到后来发表的青年马克思的早期论著),主张一种在理论逻辑上并不彻底的含糊其辞的观点。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:6

1. The fourth interpretive model is the “evolutionary theory” found in traditional Marxist philosophical history: the theoretical perspective most commonly used by scholars from the former Soviet Union (especially between the 1960s and 1980s) in interpreting Marxist philosophy. In terms of theoretical logic, by restricting themselves to Lenin's views on the stages of development in Marx's philosophy (Lenin did not have access to the later published works of young Marx), these scholars have held a superficial and ambiguous position on Marx's philosophical development. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xxv.

2. 其二是在马克思真实地接触无产阶级实践和经济学史实之后,不自觉发生的一种新的从历史客观现实出发的理论逻辑(这也是在传统苏联马克思主义哲学史研究中,被直接指认为躭是马克思主义哲学已经创立的诸多文本证据),但这并不意味着马克思主义新世界观本身得以确立,而不过是马克思随着对现实的深入了解,不自觉地偏离人本主义异化逻辑的思想走向的体现。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:9

2. The second form of theoretical logic appeared after Marx truly came into contact with the practical and economic historical facts of the proletariat class. Though this was a new unconscious theoretical logic which was rooted in objective historical reality (this was also the primary textual basis for the contention by traditional Soviet Marxist philosophical historians that Marxism had already been established), it did not mean that Marxism’s new worldview had already been established; rather, it implied that as Marx’s understanding of reality grew ever more profound, he unconsciously deviated from the logic of humanist alienation. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: xxvii.

3. 在战后,一次范围广泛的“哲学讨论”又提起了人们对哲学问题的兴趣。讨论以谴责亚历山大罗夫(Alexandrov)的《西欧哲学史》过于“客观主义”而告终。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2011:139

3. Interest in philosophical questions revived after the war with a wide-ranging “philosophical discussion” which ended with condemnation of Alexandrov’s History of Western European Philosophy for being too “Objectivist”. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx An Introduction, 2001: 149.


例句 1:
There are many masterpieces with regards to the history of Chinese philosophy, such as Xie Wuliang’s History of Chinese Philosophy, Hu Shi’s Outline of the History of Chinese Philosophy (Volume One), Zhong Tai’s History of Chinese Philosophy as well as Feng Youlan’s two volumes of History of Chinese Philosophy. These four monographs are all formed in the modern history of Chinese philosophy Disciplinary Construction of the early history of Chinese philosophy; however, they have different far-reaching impacts on future generations.

例句 2:
Xie Wuliang's “History of Chinese Philosophy” is the first systematic philosophy history book that clearly named by “History of Chinese Philosophy”, but it hasn't caused enough attention for a long time.

例句 3:
History of Chinese philosophy is a discipline based on academic modernization, the notable feature of which is on the basis of western academic norms.





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