

字词 皮浪




[1] Marx, K. & F. Engel. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1975: 428.
[2] Pyrrho. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrrho




[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[2] 杨曦.皮浪怀疑主义幸福观研究[D].杭州:中共浙江省委党校,2012.


1. 伊壁鸠鲁的信徒和皮浪的信徒都反对实证科学的代表,但是他们并不是出于同样的动机,伊壁鸠鲁派这样做,是因为他们认为各门实证科学无助于达到智慧的完善。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷)下》,1960:70

1. Opposition to the representatives of science seems to be common to the Epicureans and the followers of Pyrrho, though not from the same standpoint; the Epicureans hold that the sciences contribute nothing to the perfecting of wisdom. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 428.

2. 在康德与费希特之间有一个戈·恩·舒尔采(在哲学史上叫做舒尔采—埃奈西德穆)。他公开拥护哲学上的怀疑论路线,自称为休谟(以及古代哲学家皮浪和塞克斯都)的追随者。——《列宁选集(第二卷)》,2012:101

2. Between Kant and Fichte stands G. E. Schulze (known in the history of philosophy as Schulze-Aenesidemus). He openly advocates the skeptical trend in philosophy and calls himself a follower of Hume (and of the ancients Pyrrho and Sextus). -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 140.

3. 一个吃着香肠、每天收入5个法郎的工人很明白:他被老板掠夺,他吃的是猪肉;老板是强盗,香肠好吃而且对身体有营养。资产阶级的诡辩家(不管他叫皮浪也好,叫休谟或者康德也好,反正都一样)说道:完全不是这样,工人的这种看法是他个人的看法, 也就是主观的看法;他可以有同样的理由认为,老板是他的恩人,香肠是由剁碎的肉皮做成的,因为他不可能认识自在之物……——《列宁选集(第二卷)》,2012:167

3. The workingman who eats sausage and receives a hundred sous a day knows very well that he is robbed by the employer and is nourished by pork meat, that the employer is a robber and that the sausage is pleasant to the taste and nourishing to the body. Not at all, say the bourgeois sophists, whether they are called Pyrrho, Hume or Kant. His opinion is personal, an entirely subjective opinion; he might with equal reason maintain that the employer is his benefactor and that the sausage consists of chopped leather, for he cannot know things-in-themselves. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 203.


例句 1:
Discussed exhaustively has gradually become system's skepticism, namely late Greek and Roman skepticism, and analyzed Pyrrho who is the skepticism founder's skepticism of suspended judgment, and explains the successors of skepticism eurosceptics -- new further inheriting and developing, make its gradually refinement and systematized, clarify its position in philosophical history.

例句 2:
There are many happiness theories In the history of Chinese and western, but  Pyrrhon’s skepticism happiness theory, with its unique skepticism standpoint, shelve  the methodology of judgment and pursuit of peace of mind caused the people's  attention.

例句 3:
One of the characteristics of Pyrrhonian skepticism is to put aside disputes and do not
judge according to which any extreme positive or negative answer is wrong.





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