

字词 生态文化


ecological culture; eco-culture


[1] The Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council. Integrated Reform Plan for Promoting Ecological Progress, 2015. via:
[2] 徐增让,成升魁,邹秀萍,等.澜沧江流域民族聚居区生态景观及生态文化的作用初探[J].资源科学,2014,36(02):224-232.




宋周尧.马克思恩格斯的生态文化思想及其现实价值[J].社会主义研究, 2007(2).


1. 加强舆论引导。面向国内外,加大生态文明建设和体制改革宣传力度,统筹安排、正确解读生态文明各项制度的内涵和改革方向,培育普及生态文化,提高生态文明意识,倡导绿色生活方式,形成崇尚生态文明、推进生态文明建设和体制改革的良好氛围。——《生态文明体制改革总体方案》,2015

1. Improving guidance on public communication. Publicity both in China and abroad on efforts to promote ecological progress and carry out the reform to this effect will be stepped up. This will require coordinated planning and accurate interpretations of each of the systems and the direction of reform-all designed to promote ecological progress. It should cultivate and popularize eco-culture, raise public awareness about ecological progress, and advocate a green life-style, thereby creating a positive social atmosphere in which efforts to promote eco-progress are viewed with respect, and which will help to promote ecological progress and the reform designed to bring about it. -Quoted from Integrated Reform Plan for Promoting Ecological Progress, 2015.

2. 澜沦江流域民族众多,民族生态文化绚烂多姿,同时生态脆弱,研究其生态景观与生态文化的关系对于科学认识人地关系、充分发挥民族生态文化的作用具有重要意义。本研究在澜沦江流域选取藏、保僳、白和傣等4个少数民族聚居区,利用民族分布和2000年1:10万土地利用数据,从景观多样性、景观优势度、景观破碎性等方面分析不同民族生态景观特征;利用1980-2005年1:25万土地覆被数据,分析各民族生态景观动态变化,并就生态文化对生态景观的作用做了初步探讨。结果表明:①澜沦江流域不同民族的生态景观具有明显差异。上游的藏族以草地景观为主、草地放牧业为主要生计方式。中游的保僳族林地优势度大,农林牧兼营、以山地旱作农业为主。而下游的白族和傣族以农田景观为主,水田稻作发达;②澜沦江流域的民族生态文化通过其特定的生态观、生产生活方式、乡土生态保护机制等对生态保护产生了重要作用;③近几十年来,除产业发展、城镇化对生态景观产生了明显压力外,民族传统文化日渐淡薄也在一定程度上削弱了其对生态景观的保护作用。今后,要将民族生态文化的传承创新置于关乎民族聚居区可持续发展的高度予以扶持。——《澜沧江流域民族聚居区生态景观及生态文化的作用初探》,2014:224

2. To integrate traditional ecological knowledge of ethnic minorities into the natural reserve system,we analyzed the ecological landscape characters of the Tibetan, Lisu,Bai and Dai ethnic groups using I and use data and group distribution. The ecological Iandscape characteristics included landscape type, landscape structure, landscape diversity, landscape dominance, landscape fragment, patch scat a and fractal dimension. For the Tibetan group located i n the upper reaches of the Lancang River, grassland is the dominant landscape, cropland accounts for 0.6% of total land, and the main economic activity is seasonal grazing. For Lisu people, located in the middle reaches of the Lancang River, grassland is also the landscape matrix, farmland accounts for 8.2% of total land, and crops, forestry and husbandry are developed evenly. For the Bai and Dai groups, located in the lower Lancang River, agriculture is developed and cropland accounts for 13%--15% of total land; paddy fields comprise 3%--5% of their land. There is an important role that the eco-cultures play in retaining the eco-landscape via the specific ethnic ecological consciousness, livelihood and local traditional ecological knowledge. In the last decades, the ecosystem degradation was accompanied with the depression of the ethnic eco-culture in some degree. The ethnic eco-culture development should be prioritized to push the ecological sustainable development in the ethnic area in Lancang River in future. -Quoted from The Role of Ecological Culture in Retaining Ecological Landscape Characteristics Along the Lancang River, 2014: 232.


例句 1:
The research of our country marine ecological culture construction is of frontier, urgency and significance in the field of ecological culture research, Though certain progress has been made, the marine ecological environment pollution caused by predatory development still exists generally, These problems seriously hinder the process of the construction.

例句 2:
The Chinese traditional thinking of “union of nature and human” corresponds with the outlook of “ecological culture” in their common emphasis on the core cultural values of harmony, symbiosis, life and spiritual morality. Ecological cultural philosophy and pattern are the two forms of ecological civilization.

例句 3:
Ecological culture is human ecological law and processing according to the people and the nature of the relationship between the way of life, this way of life including ma





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