

字词 技术变革(又作技术革命)


technological revolution; technical revolution


[1] technological revolution. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_revolution
[2] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 3) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 454.






1. 从手工工场向工厂过渡,标志着技术的根本变革,这一变革推翻了几百年积累起来的工匠手艺,随着这个技术变革而来的必然是:社会生产关系的最剧烈的破坏,各个生产参加者集团之间的彻底分裂,与传统的完全决裂,资本主义一切阴暗面的加剧和扩大,以及资本主义使劳动大量社会化。——《列宁全集(第三卷)》,1984:415

1. The transition from the manufactory to the factory signifies a complete technical revolution, which does away with the craftsman’s manual skill that has taken centuries to acquire, and this technical revolution is inevitably followed by the most thoroughgoing destruction of social production relations, by a final split among the various groups of participants in production, by a complete break with tradition, by an intensification and extension of all the dark aspects of capitalism, and at the same time by a mass socialisation of labour by capitalism. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 3), 1977: 454.

2. 沙宁这本小册子的另一方面就是特别强调我国的农业危机是农业技术的危机,强调绝对必须过渡到更高的经营形式,必须提高俄国目前极低的农业技术,等等。沙宁把这些正确的论点作了片面到极点的发挥,完全避而不谈消灭农奴制大地产和改变土地占有关系是这种技术变革的条件,这样,前途就完全是虚假的了。——《列宁全集(第十六卷)》,1988:253

2. Another aspect of Shanin’s pamphlet is its heavy emphasis on the agricultural character of our agrarian crisis, on the absolute necessity of adopting higher forms of economy, of improving agricultural technique, which is so incredibly backward in Russia, and so forth. Shanin elaborates these correct theses in such an incredibly one-bided fashion, and he so completely ignores the abolition of the feudal latifundia and the changing of agrarian relationships as a condition for that technical revolution, that an utterly false perspective is drawn. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 13), 1978: 288-289.

3. 特殊的资本主义的生产方式,与之相适应的劳动生产力的发展以及由此引起的资本有机构成的变化,不只是同积累的增进或社会财富的增长保持一致的步伐。它们的进展要快得多,因为简单的积累即总资本的绝对扩大,伴随有总资本的各个分子的集中,追加资本的技术变革,也伴随有原资本的技术变革。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十三卷)》,1972:690

3. The specifically capitalist mode of production, the development of the productive power of labour corresponding to it, and the change thence resulting in the organic composition of capital, do not merely keep pace with the advance of accumulation, or with the growth of social wealth. They develop at a much quicker rate, because mere accumulation, the absolute increase of the total social capital, is accompanied by the centralisation of the individual capitals of which that total is made up; and because the change in the technological composition of the additional capital goes hand in hand with a similar change in the technological composition of the original capital. With the advance of accumulation, therefore, the proportion of constant to variable capital changes. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 35), 1996: 623.


例句 1:
This article relies on relevant theory of innovative economics and analyzes the connotation and innate relevance of innovation and pioneering work. It sorts out systematically the five technological revolutions since industrial revolution to summarize the innate relevance of technological revolution, key factors and the exchange of technical-economical pattern.

例句 2:
以此为基础,从技术革命和技术-经济范式转换的视角展望新一轮技术革命,分析“互联网+”的本质,将其看作是新一轮技术革命的产物。——“ ‘互联网+’行动的创新创业机遇与挑战——技术革命及技术-经济范式视角的分析”,载于《求是学刊》2016年03期
Based on this, it looks into the distance of a new round technological revolution in the perspective of technological revolution and ex⁃ change of technical-economical pattern, analyzes the nature of “internet plus” and regards it the result of a new round technological revolution.

例句 3:
In the 1970s, the fourth seientifie and techno1ogical revolution came, taking the eleetronic computers and bio-technology as a hallmark. It has changed the face of the entire community just like other seientifie and technological revolutions.





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