

字词 合力


synergy; joint force


[1] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Press, 2014: 93.
[2] Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Press, 2014: 96.


合力在物理学领域指的是作用于同一物体上多个力加在一起的矢量和,作为现代汉语的合力意为合作、协力(合力.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=iVwPWqTDBs8iQXaVNiHCsNepNWFpfMhiTPHStU6cAeeN_pv018I7bQMLjvXiSz32b4eGBzTuQeYspdoqLq_5LACheYY-WNlJgC8W-5-QWpm)。在马克思主义哲学思想中,恩格斯晚年在其著作路德维希·费尔巴哈和德国古典哲学的终结》中提出了“合力论”思想,并在1980年《致约·布洛赫》的信中将其完善,又在1894年《致瓦·博尔吉乌斯》的信中将其重申。“合力论”思想科学解释了经济因素、上层建筑等诸因素在推动社会发展中的作用,进一步发展和完善了历史唯物主义理论。恩格斯认为,社会历史发展是社会各种因素共同作用的,在这里,恩格斯用“合力”指代社会发展中的经济、政治、文化、思想等多方面因素的相互作用。“合力论”思想不仅对影响社会历史发展的各种因素进行了科学的分析,而且对经济因素在社会历史发展中的作用进行了更为确切的定位。恩格斯在《致约·布洛赫》的信中提到了社会中存在的几乎所有的主要因素:物质因素和精神因素;经济因素、政治因素和文化因素;生产力、生产关系、经济基础和上层建 筑因素,并把社会历史发展看成是以上一切因素交互作用的共同结果。但是,恩格斯并不是多元论者,他在强调合力的同时,又突出了经济因素“归根到底”的决定作用。“合力论”启示我们:人类社会的发展与自然世界的演变相比,是一个更加复杂并充满矛盾的过程,但这并不意味着人类社会无规律可循,我们在研究其规律时必须坚持对所有的作用于这一过程的因素进行全面的、综合的考察(冯芸,2011:11)。


[1] 合力.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=iVwPWqTDBs8iQXaVNiHCsNepNWFpfMhiTPHStU6cAeeN_pv018I7bQMLjvXiSz32b4eGBzTuQeYspdoqLq_5LACheYY-WNlJgC8W-5-QWpm
[2] 冯芸.恩格斯社会合力论思想及其当代价值[J].山东青年政治学院学报,2011,(1).


1. 第七,关于健全反腐败领导体制和工作机制。反腐败问题一直是党内外议论较多的问题。目前的问题主要是,反腐败机构职能分散、形不成合力,有些案件难以坚决查办,腐败案件频发却责任追究不够。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:83

1. Seventh, improving leading and working mechanisms for anticorruption efforts. Fighting corruption has always been a widely discussed topic inside and outside the Party. We are now mainly challenged by the following problems: Anti-corruption forces performing functions separately makes it difficult to build up synergy; some cases are not dealt with resolutely; and the accountability system is too lax to handle reoccurring corruption cases. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 93.

2. 第十一,关于中央成立全面深化改革领导小组。全面深化改革是一个复杂的系统工程,单靠某一个或某几个部门往往力不从心,这就需要建立更高层面的领导机制。全会决定提出,中央成立全面深化改革领导小组,负责改革总体设计、统筹协调、整体推进、督促落实。这是为了更好发挥党总揽全局、协调各方的领导核心作用,保证改革顺利推进和各项改革任务落实领导小组的主要职责是:统一部署全国性重大改革,统筹推进各领域改革,协调各方力量形成推进改革合力,加强督促检查,推动全面落实改革目标任务。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:86

2. Eleventh, establishing the Leading Group for Continuing the Reform Comprehensively under the CPC Central Committee. Continuing the reform comprehensively is a complicated system engineering project, which requires more than one or several departments to carry out. Therefore, leadership at a higher level should be established for this purpose. The Decision stipulates that the Party Central Committee will set up the Leading Group for Continuing the Reform Comprehensively. This is to give better play to the Party’s core function as leader having a picture of the whole situation and as chief coordinator of different aspects, so as to ensure the reform progresses smoothly and the assigned tasks are implemented as planned. The main responsibilities of this leading group are planning key national reforms promoting coordinated reforms in various fields, coordinating various forces into a joint force for reform, strengthening supervision and oversight, and promoting full implementation of the reform’s aim and tasks. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 96.

3. 改革开放是一场深刻而全面的社会变革,每一项改革都会对其他改革产生重要影响,每一项改革又都需要其他改革协同配合。要更加注重各项改革的相互促进、良性互动,整体推进,重点突破,形成推进改革开放的强大合力。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:68

3. Reform and opening up is an in-depth and all-round social transformation. Every reform will have great impact on other reforms, and all reforms support each other and interact positively. We will promote both all-round progress and breakthroughs at key points, and form a strong force for the further advance of reform and opening up. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 74.


例句 1:
The practice of constructing harmonious society should be guided by the theory of Resultant Force; furthermore, to guarantee a healthy, steady, and harmonious development of the society under the recognition of the historical result, we must respect the laws of social and historical development and bring into full play the function of Man.

例句 2:
Engels’ theory insists that the economic situation is the first factor to determine the historical development. It stresses that the force to promote the development of society is the interaction of various historical forces. It also points out that the propellant that plays a leading role in different historical periods is variable.

例句 3:
In order to establish the Marxist right to discourse, we have to promote turning into practice Marxism and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics





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