

字词 双重道德标准


double moral standard


Double standard. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_standard




[1] 托马斯·哈代.德伯家的苔丝[M].张谷若译.人民文学出版社,2005.
[2] 约翰·斯图尔特·穆勒.妇女的屈从地位[M].王溪译.商务印书馆,2007.


1. 从历史语境上看,马克思的这个社会规定首先与黑格尔哲学有关,因为它十分接近黑格尔反对市民社会的国家与法的那种非异化的本真类存在。其次,这个社会规定其实也与费尔巴哈所说的人的真正的社会关系和类本质有关。再次,更重要的是,它与个人本位的与资产阶级社会相对立的德法社会主义原则中的理想“社会”有关,即人的真正的社会存在和社会组织。从理论语境上看,我们发现此时马克思对人的类本质的理解开始出现了明显的双重性:一是个人主体的本真的自由活动;二是人与人之间存在的本真的、非异化的社会关系。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009: 241

1. From a historical context, Marx’s qualification of society here is related to Hegel’s philosophy, because it approaches the non-alienated, true species-existence that opposes state and law of civil society. Marx’s qualification is also related to Feuerbach’s concept of true social relations and species-essence. More importantly, it is also related to the concept in French and German socialism of idealized “society,” as opposed to bourgeois society, which took individuals as its basic unit. From a theoretical context, we begin to see an obvious duality in Marx’s understanding of man’s species-essence. The first aspect is true, free activity of the individual subject, and the second is the true, unalienated social relationship between humans. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 181.

2. 在毛主义者的文件中,道德标准同更为严肃的马克思主义范畴掺和在一起,这一特征如此醒目,正如施拉姆说过的那样:细想一下毛在20世纪50年底提出的、今天仍被沿用的所谓“黑五类”的定义:地主、富农、反革命、坏分子和右派。在这些范畴中,其中有两个是社会学意义上的、两个是政治意义上的,还有一个是道德意义上的。毛在把它们归并在一起的时候,似乎并没有觉察有任何矛盾或问题。难道他或许并不认为革命是无产阶级、农民和好人的事业?毛实际上与刘少奇共同使用了正是中国的、而且确切地就是孔子的概念,即认为把一个人的内在道德世界与他的外部行为和他的政治活动领域截然分开是不可能的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:243

2. It is striking how moral criteria are intermingled in Maoist documents with more strictly Marxist categories. As Schram has said: Consider the definition which Mao put forward in the 1950s for the so-called ‘five bad elements’, still used today. Landlords, rich peasant, counter-revolutionaries, bad elements and rightists. Two of these categories are sociological, two political and one moral. Mao did not appear to see any contradiction or problem in lumping them all together. Did he not perhaps see the revolution as the work of proletarians, peasants and good men? Does not all the available evidence suggest that Mao in fact shared with Liu Shaoch’i the very Chinese and indeed Confucian notion that it is impossible to separate the inner moral world of the individual from his outward behaviour and from the political realm as a whole. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 255-256.


例句 1:
维多利亚人都有强烈的“家”的意识,这种意识是他们对自己文化身份的认同。尤其在中期,从维多利亚女王至下层民众都积极宣传家庭道德观念,把Home Sweet Home作为家庭理想。但工业革命对家庭的冲击和功利主义思想对家庭道德观念的主导作用,使家庭道德观念体面外表背后隐藏了它的阴暗面:不平等的男女地位、双重道德标准、忽视儿童的问题等等。对于当时同样是维多利亚人的作家们来说,对主流的中产阶级家庭道德观他们既有认同之处也有批判之处。作为维多利亚人,他们赞同家庭神圣的观点,并表现出对家庭的渴望和家庭作用的赞同。面对受到功利主义思想影响的婚姻、功利教育、道德标准等,都提出了不同程度的批判。——《维多利亚早中期作家眼中的中产阶级家庭观》,福建师范大学硕士学位论文,2013
The Victorians had a strong awareness about family, which is the recognition of whose own cultural identity. Especially in the mid-period, from Queen Victoria to the lower classes advocated family moral values actively; Home Sweet Home is the family ideal. The Industrial Revolution's impact on the family and the leading role of the utilitarian ideology to the family values, which made the decent appearance behind the dark side: the unequal status between men and women, the double moral standards, ignoring the issue of children and so on. For the Victorian writers, they both agreed and criticized about the mainstream middle-class family moral values. As the Victorians, they endorse the sacred view of a family and agreed the desire of the family and the role of the family showed. Facing to the family morality which was guided by utilitarian ideology, such as the utilitarian marriage, utilitarian education, double moral standards, they presented the





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