

字词 辩证矛盾


dialectical contradiction


[1] Lukács, G. History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics[M]. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 1968: 64.
[2] A Contemporary Russian View of Dialectical Contradiction. via: http://marxistphilosophy.org/ruscontrad.htm




[1] 候树栋.马克思主义哲学疑难问题新解[M].解放军出版社,1990.
[2] 《马克思主义哲学党员读本》编写组.马克思主义哲学党员读本[M].白山出版社,1990.
[3] 刘炳瑛.马克思主义原理辞典[Z].浙江人民出版社,1988.
[4] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典(上册)[Z].修订本.上海辞书出版社,2001.


1. 由于资本主义生产制度的客观限制并不总是单纯否定的,它不仅“按照自然规律”造成了意识不可能理解的危机,而且还要得到一种自我意识的和行动者的历史形态,即无产阶级,因此,资产阶级阶级意识自身内在的辩证矛盾也就加剧了。 ——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:122

1. This internal dialectical contradiction in the class consciousness the bourgeoisie is further aggravated by the fact that the objective limits of capitalism do not remain purely negative. That is to say that capitalism does not merely set ‘natural’ laws in motion that provoke crises which it cannot comprehend. On the contrary, these limits acquire a historical embodiment with its own consciousness and its own actions: the proletariat. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 64.

2. 但是无产阶级则被历史赋予了自觉地改造社会的人物,因此在它的阶级意识中,就必然出出现直接利益和最终目标,个别因素和整体的辩证矛盾。因为对于过程的个别因素来讲,虽然有着具体的情况及具体的要求,但究其本质而言,是现存资本主义社会内在地固有的,是在它的规律支配之下的,是服从它的经济结构的。——《历史与阶级意识:关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:131

2. But as the proletariat has been entrusted by history with the task of transforming society consciously its class consciousness must develop a dialectical contradiction between its immediate interests and its long-term objectives, and between the discrete factors and the whole. For the discrete factor, the concrete situation with its concrete demands is by its-very nature m integral part of the existing capitalist society; it is governed by the laws of that society and its subject to its economic structure. -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1971: 71.


例句 1:
Logical contradiction is the product of confused thinking, and dialectical contradiction is necessarily embodied in the concept of object movement. The former is formed by simultaneous affirmation and negation of the same level n (n∈N, n≧1) preposition, which the latter level preposition.

例句 2:
Contradiction, everyone know a little bit about the meaning of the word, but little of us have had a deeper study on these questions. It is well known that contradictions have several classification, on this paper I will argue these issues at two ascept which are logic and dialectic. What are the exact meanings of these concepts “logic  contradiction” and “dialectic contradiction”, and why there are so many differences between them? I think some logic-learners may have these questions too.

例句 3:
The word “contradicti





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