

字词 阶级结构


class structure; class system; the stratification of classes


[1] Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 6) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 184.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1998: 871.
[3] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003:331.




[1] 阶级结构.via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=ANqY327LZaOJr7tLtnFXqx5E4PNivy2iLlMVvokZS35qJJ6BSdAf3ShWcQ-7SVpTLgIJDiqAxoSPt5MlRzQRP_
[2] 金炳华.马克思主义哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.


1. 我们正经历着一个暴风雨的时代:俄国的历史一日千里地向前发展,现在的一年有时要超过平静时期的几十年。人们在给改革后时代的半个世纪作总结,在为那些将长久决定全国命运的社会政治大厦奠立基石。革命运动以惊人的速度在继续发展,“我国的派别”也在异常迅速地成熟和凋谢。凡是在俄国这样迅速发展的资本主义国家的阶级结构中有着扎实基础的派别,几乎一下子就找到了“自己的位置”,探索到了同自己有血缘关系的阶级。——《列宁全集(第六卷)》,1986:363

1. We are living in stormy times, when Russia’s history is marching on with seven-league strides, and every year sometimes signifies more than decades of tranquility. Results of the half-century of the post-Reform period are being summed up, and the corner—stone is being laid for social and political edifices which will determine the fate of the entire country for many, many years to come. The revolutionary movement continues to grow with amazing rapidity—and “our trends” are ripening (and withering) uncommonly fast. Trends firmly rooted in the class system of such a rapidly developing capitalist country as Russia almost immediately reach their own level and feel their way to the classes they are related to. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1977: 184.

2. 农民小资产阶级的代表是劳动派,特别是它的左翼,即社会革命党。无产阶级则以社会民主党为代表。在俄国资本主义发展明显落后的情况下,党派划分同社会的阶级结构这样鲜明地一致,唯一的原因就是俄国处于革命情绪蓬勃高涨的时期,这样的时期同停滞时期或所谓和平进步时期相比,政党的形成要迅速得多,阶级自觉的发展和形成也无比迅速。——《列宁全集(第十五卷)》,1988:86

2. The urban petty bourgeoisie are represented by the liberals and the Trudoviks. The peasant petty bourgeoisie are represented by the Trudoviks, especially the left wing of the group, the Socialist-Revolutionaries. The proletariat has its representative in the Social-Democrats. With an obvious lag in the capitalist development of Russia, this clear—cut division into party groups according to the class structure of society is only to be explained by the stormy revolutionary mood of an epoch in which parties are formed more quickly and class-consciousness grows and takes shape infinitely more quickly than in an epoch of stagnation or of so-called peaceful progress. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 12), 1977: 207.

3. 在英国,现代社会的经济结构无疑已经有了最高度的、最典型的发展。但甚至在这里,这种阶级结构也还没有以纯粹的形式表现出来。在这里,也还有若干中间的和过渡的阶段到处使界限规定模糊起来(虽然这种情况在农村比在城市少得多)。不过,这种情况对我们的研究来说是无关紧要的。我们已经看到,资本主义生产方式的经常趋势和发展规律,是使生产资料越来越同劳动分离,分散的生产资料越来越大量集中成群,因此,劳动转化为雇佣劳动,生产资料转化为资本。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷下册)》,1974:1000

3. In England, modern society is indisputably most highly and classically developed in economic structure. Nevertheless, even here the stratification of classes does not appear in its pure form. Middle and intermediate strata even here obliterate lines of demarcation everywhere (although incomparably less in rural districts than in the cities). However, this is immaterial for our analysis. We have seen that the continual tendency and law of development of the capitalist mode of production is more and more to divorce the means of production from labour, and more and more to concentrate the scattered means of production into large groups, thereby transforming labour into wage labour and the means of production into capital. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37), 1998: 871.


例句 1:
In the works of Marx there are two theoretical paradigms about class, namely, class structure and class composition.

例句 2:
After entering the era of post-Fordist system, Capitalism has undergone changes in the mode of production and management, and policies and strategies and in class structure as well.

例句 3:
Giddens’ theory of social stratification is focused on his theory of classes structuration, which gives its criteria of status group membership mainly according to market skills and quasi-technical relations, and reviews the mobility of different social class between class actor activity and class structure by way of treating class relation as social structure.





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