

字词 人格化


personification; personal(adj)


[1]Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 166.
[2]Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 133.


通常指将人格特性赋予无生命物体、抽象事物和自然界的各种现象,是具体的物在人的个性中的实现或体现。人类的生存以及社会的存在和发展,是主体的人与客体的物质资源相结合,满足人的不同需求的运动过程。在这个过程中,作为主体的人将自己物化并与资源相结合,同时这个过程也是资源的人格化过程(王玉珍等,2000:3)。物的人格化与人格的物化程度是衡量人类生存质量和社会是否成熟的标志(王玉珍等,2000:3)。马克思在《资本论》中提到,“使用价值或财物具有价值,只是因为有抽象人类劳动体现或物化在里面”(马克思,1975:51)。在资本主义条件下,资本是一系列的化身,它表现为价值增值,完成价值增值的人格化身就是资本家。“作为这一运动的有意识的承担者,货币所有者变成了资本家,他这个人,或不如说他的钱袋,是货币的出发点和复归点。这种流通的客观内容——价值增值——是他的主观目的;只有在越来越多地占有抽象财富成为他的活动的唯一动机时,他才作为资本家或作为人格化的、有意志和意识的资本执行功能”(马克思,1975:51)。“资本家只是人格化的资本,他在生产过程中只是作为资本的承担者执行职能”(马克思,1975:925)。因此,“人格化问题探讨的就是在资源配置过程中经济主体如何使其行为与客体内容保持一致,来满足人类的各种需要,并使各自的利益达到最大化” (王玉珍等,2000:4)。




1. 虽然资本家在异化劳动过程中是作为支配生产和产品的方面出现的,但在马克思的眼里,资本家恰恰不是“人”主体,而是物——资本(死劳动)的人格化。资本家也异化了,是一种直接物化了的虚假主体。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:221

1. Although capitalists appear as dominators of production and products in the process of alienated labor, in Marx’s eyes, capitalists are not “human”(subject), but are rather things—the personification of capital (dead labor). He also believed that capitalists are alienated; they are a kind of immediately objectified false subject. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 166.

2. 自然哲学给我们提供以“物质的自身等同的状态”为出发点的天体演化学,这种状态只有通过关于物质和运动的联系的最无可救药的混乱观念才是可以想象的,此外,只有假定存在着一个唯一能帮助这种状态进入运动的、超越现实世界的、人格化的上帝,才是可以想象的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十卷)》,1973:157

2. The philosophy of nature offered us a cosmogony whose starting-point is a "self-equal state of matter"—a state which can only be conceived by means of the most hopeless confusion as to the relation between matter and motion; a state which can, besides, only be conceived on the assumption of an extramundane personal God who alone can induce motion in this state of matter. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 25), 1987: 133.

3. 同样,由于自然力被人格化,最初的神产生了。随着宗教的向前发展,这些神愈来愈具有了超世界的形象,直到最后,由于智力发展中自然发生的抽象化过程 ——几乎可以说是蒸馏过程,在人们的头脑中,从或多或少有限的和互相限制的许多神中产生了一神教的唯一的神的观念。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷)》,1965:315

3. In quite a similar manner the first gods arose through the personification of natural forces. And as religions continued to take shape, these gods assumed more and more an extramundane form, until finally by a process of abstraction, I might almost say of distillation, occurring naturally in the course of man's intellectual development, out of the many more or less limited and mutually limiting gods there arose in the minds of men the idea of the one exclusive God of the monotheistic religions. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1990: 366.


例句 1:
In the past more than fifty years, the development of television news commentary in China has presented a trend that personification has been constantly evolving.

例句 2:
The personification of objects is a natural attributes of the object itself, also the human mind.

例句 3:
This paper thus provides a systematic mechanism focusing on building unitary and ultimate ownership on the top, shaping active shareholders with personification in the middle, implementing market-oriented operation at the bottom, and realizing bonus-sharing from state-owned Asset.





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