

字词 资本主义国家


capitalist country


Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 331.


资产阶级对工人阶级及其他劳动者实行政治统治的国家。在实行资产阶级专政的前提条件下,一般采取“普选制“”议会制“等民主形式,其政治组织形式主要有”民主共和制“和君主立宪制”。它是资产阶级在反对封建制度的革命胜利后建立起来的,是资本主义生产关系适应生产力发展以取代封建社会生产关系的结果。资本主义生产关系主要是生产资料的资本家占有制。资本家占有生产资料并用以剥削出卖劳动力的雇佣工人,是资本主义社会的经济基础。在资本主义生产关系中占统治地位的资产阶级和受剥削被压迫的无产阶级的对立,是资本主义社会的主要矛盾。随着资本主义经济的发展,虽然在两大阶级内部的阶层有所变化,但它们作为资本主义社会的主要矛盾没有改变。资本主义国家的本质,是资产阶级对无产阶级的政治统治,是资产阶级专政。资本主义制度已经有三四百年的历史,经历了自由资本主义和垄断资本主义的发展时期。在不同发展时期,资本主义国家有不同的特点和某些制度的变化。资本主义上升时期的资产阶级国家。在这个时期,为适应自由资本主义商品经济等价交换和自由竞争的要求,资产阶级在政治上提出“自由、平等、民主”等口号。这个时期各国的历史条件虽有不同,国家制度的具体形式也不完全相同,但基本上都采用资产阶级民主共和制,以立法、行政、司法三权分立和互相制衡为原则建立其政治制度。由于整个社会是以生产资料资本家占有制为基础,自由、平等、民主只能为占有生产资料的资产阶级所享有,而无产阶级并不能真正享有,因而资产阶级民主共和制具有很大的虚伪性和欺骗性。K.马克思、F.恩格斯指出,资产阶级代议制国家政权不过是管理整个资产阶级的共同事务的委员会。垄断资本主义阶段的资产阶级国家由于科学技术的发展,生产手段的现代化,生产社会化的程度和生产力的发展水平比自由资本主义阶段更高。在生产关系方面,生产资料更集中到一小部分垄断资本家手里。垄断资本的发展,使资本主义社会固有的矛盾尖锐化。为了维护垄断资本的统治,自由资本主义国家必然发展为垄断资本服务的帝国主义国家。(资本主义国家.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v624919.htm?fromTitle=%E8%B5%84%E6%9C%AC%E4%B8%BB%E4%B9%89%E5%9B%BD%E5%AE%B6)




1. 例如,自由竞争时代的资本主义发展为帝国主义,这时,无产阶级和资产阶级这两个根本矛盾着的阶级的性质和这个社会的资本主义的本质,并没有变化,但是,两阶级的矛盾激化了,独占资本和自由资本之间的矛盾发生了,宗主国和殖民地的矛盾激化了,各资本主义国家间的矛盾即由各国发展不平衡的状态而引起的矛盾特别尖锐地表现出来了,因此形成了资本主义的特殊阶段,形成了帝国主义阶段。列宁主义之所以成为帝国主义和无产阶级革命时代的马克思主义,就是因为列宁和斯大林正确地说明了这些矛盾,并正确地作出了解决这些矛盾的无产阶级革命的理论和策略。——《毛泽东选集(第一卷)》,1991:320

1. For instance, in capitalist society the two forces in contradiction, the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, form the principal contradiction. The other contradictions, such as those between the remnant feudal class and the bourgeoisie, between the peasant petty bourgeoisie and the bourgeoisie, between the proletariat and the peasant petty bourgeoisie, between the non--monopoly capitalists and the monopoly capitalists, between bourgeois democracy and bourgeois fascism, among the capitalist countries and between imperialism and the colonies, are all determined or influenced by this principal contradiction. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 1), 1965: 331.

2. 第三是国际方面。除日本的盟友和各资本主义国家的上层分子中的某些成分外,其余都不利于中国妥协而利于中国抗战。这一因素影响到中国的希望。今天全国人民有一种希望,认为国际力量必将逐渐增强地援助中国。这种希望不是空的,特别是苏联的存在,鼓舞了中国的抗战。空前强大的社会主义的苏联,它和中国是历来休戚相关的。苏联和一切资本主义国家的上层成分之唯利是图者根本相反,它是以援助一切弱小民族和革命战争为其职志的。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:4356

2. Third, take the international aspect. Except for Japan’s allies and certain elements in the upper strata of other capitalist countries, the whole world is in favour of resistance, and not of compromise by China. This factor reinforces China’s hopes. Today the people throughout the country cherish the hope that international forces will gradually give China increasing help. It is not a vain hope; the existence of the Soviet Union in particular encourages China in her War of Resistance. The socialist Soviet Union, now strong as never before, has always shared China’s joys and sorrows. In direct contrast to all the members of the upper strata in the capitalist countries who seek nothing but profits, the Soviet Union considers it its duty to help all weak nations and all revolutionary wars. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 130.

3. 在任何一个资本主义国家里,包括俄国在内,大多数人,尤其是劳动群众,都千百次地亲身遭受过,他们的亲属也遭受过资本的压迫、资本的掠夺和各种各样的侮辱。帝国主义战争——为决定由英国资本或德国资本取得掠夺全世界的霸权而屠杀千白万人的战争——更异常地加剧、扩大和加深了这种困苦,使人们认清了这种困苦。所以大多数人尤其是劳动群众必然同情无产阶级,因为无产阶级英勇果敢、毫不留情地以革命手段推翻资本的压迫,推翻剥削者,镇压他们的反抗,用自己的鲜血开辟一条创建不容剥削者存在的新社会的道路。——《列宁全集(第三十七卷)》,1986:14

3. The vast majority of the population and all the more so of the working population of any capitalist country, including Russia, have thousands of times experienced, themselves and through their kith and kin, the oppression of capital, the plunder and every sort of tyranny it perpetrates. The imperialist war, i.e., the slaughter of ten million people in order to decide whether British or German capital was to have supremacy in plundering the whole world, has greatly intensified these ordeals, has increased and deepened them, and has made the people realise their meaning. Hence the inevitable sympathy displayed by the vast majority of the population, particularly the working people, for the proletariat, because it is with heroic courage and revolutionary ruthlessness throwing off the yoke of capital, over-throwing the exploiters, suppressing their resistance, and shedding its blood to pave the road for the creation of the new society, in which there will be no room for exploiters. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 29), 1974: 422.


例句 1:
Theachievements, which developed capitalist countries have scored in removing poverty, are society -basedones, rather than system-based ones.

例句 2:
Changes in the structure of the working class in the capitalist countries are the reflection ofits internal contradictions. The labor movements arenot only the important political and social activitiesbut also the reflections of the stage of development and development trend of the capitalist countries.

例句 3:
Bob Jessop, left-wing political theorist, is well-known for his theory of the capitalist state inBritain. Around western academic circle, his critical theory of Western capitalist countries is recognized asa great development to Marxist theory in the context of economic globalization.





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