

字词 群防群治


mass participation in preventing and controlling disturbances to public order


The Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China, 2011: 111. via: http://book.theorychina.org/upload/237ca26f-1dcb-4e07-9e47-ce5c62e9072a/






1. 反恐怖斗争事关国家安全,事关人民群众切身利益,事关改革发展稳定全局,是一场维护祖国统一、社会安定、人民幸福的斗争,必须采取坚决果断措施,保持严打高压态势,坚决把暴力恐怖分子嚣张气焰打下去。要建立健全反恐工作格局,完善反恐工作体系,加强反恐力量建设。要坚持专群结合、依靠群众,深入开展各种形式的群防群治活动,筑起铜墙铁壁,使暴力恐怖分子成为“过街老鼠、人人喊打”。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:203

1. Countering terrorism has a direct bearing on national security, the people’s immediate interests, and reform, development and stability. The battle against terrorism safeguards national unity, social stability and the people’s well-being. We must take decisive measures in deterring terrorism and keep up pressure to thwart terrorism. We should work out a sound anti-terrorism work pattern, improve our anti-terrorism work system and build up our anti-terrorism strength. We should enlist both professional forces and the public in the fight against terrorism, get the general public to carry out different forms of activities against terrorism, build and impregnable anti-terrorism network, and ensure that terrorists are hunted down like rats. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 224.

2. 坚持打防结合、预防为主,专群结合、依靠群众的方针,完善社会治安防控体系,加强城乡社区警务、群防群治等基层基础建设,做好刑罚执行和教育矫治工作。《中华人民共和国国民经济和社会发展第十二个五年规划纲要》,2011

2. We will adhere to the principles of combining punishment with prevention, with emphasis on the latter, and the efforts of experts with reliance on the masses, improve the system for preventing and controlling disturbances to public order, strengthen primary-level basic programs such as urban and rural community police services and mass participation in preventing and controlling disturbances to public order, and do a good job in enforcing punishment and carrying out education and correction. -Quoted from The Twelfth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People’s Republic of China, 2011: 111.


例句 1:
This thesis will do a case study of anti-cult efforts done by communities in Shanghai, and specifically explore the strategies used in religious education, publicity, relief work and massive prevention, thus provide a comprehensive way to cope with  cult-related issues in communities, such as helping the public develop right religious  belief, giving them more scientific insight and solving the practical problems of the public.

例句 2:
Along with the development of society, the social organization structure and people's values changed, the most subject matter which “mass prevention and mass treatment” faces is that the people are not participate positively crime prevention, which causes the measures of crime prevention no-efficiency.

例句 3:
Mass prevention and treatment is one of theimportant work for our comprehensive renovation and supervision of public security. We have explored the theory since the foundation of the new China.





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