

字词 正统派


orthodoxy; the orthodox; orthodox (adj.)


[1] Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. Taylor & France e-library, 2001: 71.
[2] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1950.






1. 在正统派看来,这种对热情的辩护可以看做是一个自发论处方,它使革命陷于原地打转这样的失控危险中。不过,根据齐泽克的解读,一场革命如果不陷于这样的危险之中,就不算是一场革命,而卢森堡之所以被赞许,就在于她认为“反对‘过早’夺权因而被揭示为在普遍意义上反对夺权本身”。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:111

1. To the orthodox this defence of zeal can seem like a recipe for spontaneism, with the revolution in danger of spiralling out of control. In Zizek’s reading, however, a revolution is not a revolution unless it is in such danger, and Luxemburg is to be applauded for her recognition that ‘opposition to the “premature” seizure of power is thus revealed as opposition to the seizure of power as such, in general’. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 71-72.

2. 鲍威尔先生最先是一个神学家,但并不是一个普普通通的神学家,而是一个批判的神学家或神学的批判家。当他还是一个把一切宗教的和神学的蠢事加以思辨装饰的老黑格尔正统派的最极端的代表时,他就不断地宣称批判是他的私人财产。那时他就已经把施特劳斯的批判看成人类的批判,而和这种批判相反,他十分明确地维护神的批判的权利。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷):神圣家族》,1957:181

2. Herr Bauer was a theologian from the very beginning, but no ordinary one; he was a Critical theologian or a theological Critic. While still the extreme representative of old Hegelian orthodoxy who put in a speculative form all religious and theological nonsense, he constantly proclaimed Criticism his private domain. At that time, he called Strauss' criticism human criticism and expressly asserted the right of divine criticism in opposition to it. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol.4): The Holy Family, 1975: 142.

3. 同时,每个不同的阶级都利用它自己认为适合的宗教:占有土地的容克利用天主教的耶稣会派或新教的正统派,自由的和激进的资产者则利用唯理派,至于这些老爷们自己相信还是不相信他们各自的宗教,这是完全无关紧要的。这样,我们看到,宗教一旦形成,总要包含某些传统的材料, 因为在一切意识形态领域内传统都是一种巨大的保守力量。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷):费尔巴哈和德国古典哲学的终结》,1965:351

3. Moreover, each of the different classes uses its own appropriate religion: the landed Junkers—Catholic Jesuitism or Protestant orthodoxy; the liberal and radical bourgeoisie—rationalism; and it makes no difference whether these gentlemen themselves believe in their respective religions or not. We see, therefore: religion, once formed, always contains traditional material, just as in all ideological domains tradition constitutes a great conservative force. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26): Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy, 1990: 396.


例句 1:
Maimonides’ principles have been used by today’s Jewish Orthodoxy as a standard for heresy-hunting, that is, to deny the legitimacy of various claims to Judasim made by other Jewish denominations.

例句 2:
The paper holds after analyzing the theoretical criticism of religious dogmatism posed by Afghani that the self-declared Islamic orthodoxy Ulama’ (religious scholars) always follow the Islamic dogmatism, such an action eventually has led Islam toward the direction of the stagnation and stereotypes.

例句 3:
The orthodox school of Marxism has not succeeded in transforming the scientific socialism into the practical idea leading the political revolution of the proletarian political party of all countries, and, as a result, Marxism has been distorted by all sorts of opportunism.





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