

字词 科学的马克思主义


scientific Marxism


Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. London: Routledge, 2001: 94, 95.






1. 阿尔都塞所做的工作是阐明马克思主义,通过新的“阅读”方法揭示出隐藏在马克思文本中的真理。这就是界定科学的马克思主义与非科学的马克思主义之间的界线——“认识论的断裂”要画在何处。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:148

1. Althusser is engaged in an exercise in clarification, whereby the underlying truth of Marx’s texts is to be revealed by new ‘reading’ methods. It is a case of identifying where the line between scientific and non-scientific Marxism, the ‘epistemological break’, is to be drawn. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 94.

2. 有人总是能够反对说,科学的马克思主义在这些一些机构的发展下几乎无法前进,或许这对于资本主义的机构而已经是可以预料的事情,后者已经学会如何通过各种“意识形态国家机器”来平息异议。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:149

2. It can always be objected, too, that scientific Marxism has made little headway against the development of such institutions, and that perhaps it has become predictable to the capitalist establishment, which has learned how to neutralise dissent by means of the various Ideological State Apparatuses. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 95.

3. 我是说,目前俄国的政权只能从古契柯夫和李沃夫的手里转到这些苏维埃的手里,而在这些苏维埃中,占大多数的恰巧是农民和士兵,如果不用生活上的、习俗上的、职业上的说法,而用阶级的说法,用科学的马克思主义的用语来说,那么占大多数的恰巧是小资产阶级。——《列宁全集(第二十九卷)》,1985:142

3. I said that power in Russia now can pass from Guchkov and Lvov only to these Soviets. And in these Soviets, as it happens, it is the peasants, the soldiers, i.e., petty bourgeoisie, who preponderate, to use a scientific, Marxist term, a class characterisation, and not a common, man-in-the-street, professional characterisation. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 24), 1974: 48.


例句 1:
Establishing a scientific view about Marxism and the traditional Chinese culture is the prerequisite of promoting the integration of Marxism with the traditional Chinese culture.

例句 2:
Adhering to the scientific concept of Marxism  needs to grasp well the following five aspects: grasp the scientific essence from the relations between the theory and practice,grasp the direction of Marxism from theoretical architecture, grasp the development of Marxism from the relations between history and reality,grasp the openness of Marxism from the shape and development, grasp the innovation  of Marxism from the overall evolution.

例句 3:
The point of this article on the popularization of Marxism to establish a scientific concept, promoting the popularization of Marxism has certain reference value.





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