

字词 社会思潮


social thought; social idea


[2]Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 4) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 320.






1. 我们正处在俄国工人运动和俄国社会民主党历史上极端重要的时刻:显然,一切情况都说明我们的运动已进入一个紧要阶段:运动蓬勃发展,俄国各地都长出了茁壮的幼苗,现在,运动迫切要求巩固起来,要求采取更高级的形式,要求具有一定的形态和组织。的确,近几年来社会民主主义思想在我国知识界传播之快,是异常惊人的,而与这一社会思潮相呼应的却是工业无产阶级的完全独立的自发运动。工业无产阶级开始联合起来同自己的压迫者斗争,他们如饥似渴地向往社会主义。到处都出现工人小组和知识分子社会民主党人小组,出现了地方性的鼓动小报,社会民主主义的书报供不应求,政府变本加厉的迫害已阻挡不住这个运动了。——《列宁全集(第四卷)》,1984:282

1. We are passing through an extremely important period in the history of the Russian working-class movement and Russian Social-Democracy. All evidence goes to show that our movement has reached a critical stage. It has spread so widely and has brought forth so many strong shoots in the most diverse parts of Russia that it is now striving with unrestrained vigour to consolidate itself, assume a higher form, and develop a definite shape and organisation. Indeed, the past few years have been marked by an astonishingly rapid spread of Social-Democratic ideas among our intelligentsia; and meeting this trend in social ideas is the spontaneous, completely independent movement of the industrial proletariat, which is beginning to unite and struggle against its oppressors and is manifesting an eager striving for socialism. Study circles of workers and Social-Democratic intellectuals are springing up everywhere, local agitation leaflets are beginning to appear, the demand for Social-Democratic literature is increasing and is far outstripping the supply, and intensified government persecution is powerless to restrain the movement. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1977: 320.

2. (1)因为我国这种以“社会革命派”闻名的社会思潮,实际上正在离开而且己经离开了只有现在才有的、国际上唯一的革命社会主义理论一马克思主义。在国际社会民主党分为机会主义派(又称“伯恩施坦派”)和革命派的大分裂中,这个思潮采取了十分不明确的和不能容忍的脚踏两只船的暧昧态度,它只是根据资产阶级机会主义的批评,就认为马克思主义己经、“被动摇了”。它承诺按照自己的主张来“重新审查”马克思主义,而对履行这个危言耸听的诺言却什么也没有做。——《列宁全集(第六卷)》,1986:359

2. (1) Because that trend in our social thought which goes by the name of “Socialist-Revolutionary” is in fact moving away, and has indeed moved away, from the only international theory of revolutionary socialism existing today, i.e., from Marxism. In the great split of international Social-Democracy into an opportunist wing (or, “Bernsteinian”) and a revolutionary wing, this trend has taken up an entirely indefinite and impermissibly irresolute position between two stools. Basing itself solely on the bourgeois and opportunist criticism of Marxism, it has pronounced the latter to have been “shaken”, and promised, on its part, to “revise” Marxism anew, in its own way, but has done nothing whatever to fulfill this ominous promise. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1977: 170.

3. 在一剑封喉式地根本否定了费尔巴哈之后,施蒂纳将理论之剑一挥,于是近代以来几乎所有已经发生和正发生的各类社会思潮又都面临着“灭顶之灾”。因此,在同一尺度的审视和考问下,从中世纪的奴役中逃脱出来的三种所谓的“自由主义”无一例外又都经受了“唯一者”的审判。­­——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:379

3. After completing his fundamental refutation of Feuerbach, Stirner turns the focus of his attack against almost all schools of social thought that had existed or were existing. Using the same standard applied to Feuerbach, the three so-called “liberalisms” that escaped from medieval slavery all come under the judgment of the “owner.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the context of Economics, 2014: 292.


例句 1:
With the appearance of globalization, marketization and informatization, the social thoughts of the western countries would definitely have impact on the Ideological and Political Education.

例句 2:
With the gradual deepening of our country’s reform and opening up, the relaxed cultural atmosphere was formed in China, and the emergence of ideological variety of fields for the current social reality on social trend of thought was then resulted.

例句 3:
The social ideological trend is a thought of trend which is rooted in certain social economic and political foundation, reflect the interests of the people in a certain period, has the wide influence to the specific society.





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