

字词 社会主义商品经济


socialist commodity economy


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:1264.
[2] Socialist market economy. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_market_economy






1. 一九八七年三月二十一日在报给邓小平的《关于草拟十三大报告大纲的设想》中提出,十三大报告全篇拟以社会主义初级阶段作为立论的根据。“初级阶段”这个提法,在党的文件中已三次出现,但都没有发挥,十三大报告的起草工作准备循着这个思路加以展开,说明由此而来的经济建设的发展战略,由此而来的发展社会主义商品经济的任务和我国经济体制改革的方向,由此而来的建设社会主义民主政治的任务和我国政治体制改革的原则,由此而来的加强和改善党的领导的任务,由此而来的在理论和思想指导上避免“左”右两种倾向的必要性。——《邓小平文选(第三卷)》,1993:407

1. A document entitled “Basic Ideals in the Report to the Thirteenth National Congress” has been submitted to Deng Xiaoping on March 21, 1987. In this document it was stated that the entire report was to be based on the theory of the primary stage of socialism. The term “primary stage” had already appeared three times in Party documents, but it had never been fully elaborated. The report would outline the strategy for economic development during this stage, set the task of creating a “socialist commodity economy” (later called a “socialist market economy”) and indicate how reform of the economic structure was to proceed. It would also set the task of developing socialist democracy and lay down the principles for reform of the political structure. It would call for strengthening the Party leadership and warn of the need to avoid both “Left” and Right deviations in guiding theory and ideology. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1995: 391.


例句 1:
With the rapid development of socialism commodity economy, the literature is getting more and more attentions as a product and commodity nature, and then, Eagleton’s new literary theory of production offers valuable theory resource to our research.

例句 2:
Regard to socialist commodity economy, Mao Zedong illuminated the necessity and importance of existence of commodity production and long-standing commodity exchanges in our country, defined the character of socialist commodity production and commodity exchanges, explored the activity pattern of socialist commodity economy, and pointed out that some production materials also belong to commodities, put forward the law of value is a great school, and soon.

例句 3:
With the focus on Lenin’s painstaking explorations for commodity economy in the period of socialist construction in Russia, the author intended to discov





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