

字词 曼彻斯特学派(又作自由贸易学派)


Manchester school; Manchester Liberalism; Manchester Capitalism; Manchesterism


[1] 约翰·伊特韦尔.新帕尔格雷夫经济学大词典(第三卷K-P)[Z].经济科学出版社,1996,319.
[2] Manchester Liberalism.via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manchester_Liberalism




[1] 胡代光.现代西方经济学辞典[Z].中国社会科学出版社,1996.
[2] 约翰·伊特韦尔.新帕尔格雷夫经济学大词典(第三卷K-P)[Z].经济科学出版社,1996.


1. 为工人阶级的利益而斗争的战士在答复主张自由贸易的资产阶级,即所谓“曼彻斯特学派”的论据时,往往仅限于愤慨地揭露他们学说的不道德和卑鄙自私的性质。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第七卷)》,1959:269

1. It has generally been the habit of the champions of the working classes to meet the argument of the free-trading middle classes, of what is called the “Manchester School”, by mere indignant comments upon the immoral and impudently-selfish character of their doctrines. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 10), 1978: 271.

2. 托利党、辉格党、皮尔派,——总之,所有我们到目前为止已经分析过的党派,或多或少都属于旧的时代,而自由贸易派(曼彻斯特学派的信徒、议会改革和财政改革派)则是现代英国社会的正式代表者,即统治着世界市场的英国的代表者。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第八卷)》,1961:388

2. While the Tories, the Whigs, the Peelites—in fact, all the parties we have hitherto commented upon—belong more or less to the past, the Free Traders (the men of the Manchester School, the Parliamentary and Financial Reformers) are the official representatives of modern English society, the representatives of that England which rules the market of the world. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 11), 1979: 333.

3. 可以看出,对这些不列颠资产阶级的先进战士即曼彻斯特学派的信徒们说来,旧英国的每一种制度,从机器生产的角度来看,都是昂贵而且无益的,它的唯一的作用就是阻碍民族以最低的生产费用生产出尽可能多的产品,以及自由地交换自己的产品。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第八卷)》,1961:389

3. You see, to these champions of the British Bourgeoisie, to the men of the Manchester School, every institution of Old England appears in the light of a piece of machinery as costly as it is useless, and which fulfils no other purpose than to prevent the nation from producing the greatest possible quantity at the least possible expense, and to exchange its products in freedom. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 11), 1979: 334.


例句 1:
In the 1840s, the Corn Law was repealed and the policy of economic liberalism came into effect in Britain. The change of policy was closely and inseparably related to the Manchester School. The Anti-Corn-Law League led by the Manchester School not only urged British government to repeal the Corn law but also expounded social and economic sense of free trade and laissez faire.

例句 2:
The Manchester School pushed the theory of economic liberalism advocated by classical economist forward to become reality. This policy was the outcome of British economic dominant position, accordingly strengthening this position. Moreover, economic liberalism also enriched the theory of liberalism and expanded private freedom.





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