

字词 文德尔班(Wilhelm Windelband)

文德尔班(Wilhelm Windelband)【英】

Wilhelm Windelband


Wilhelm Windelband. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_Windelband




[1] 冯平.现代西方价值哲学经典:先验主义路向(下)[M].北京师范大学出版社,2009.
[2] 《现代领导百科全书》编委会.现代领导百科全书(法律与哲学卷)[M].中共中央党校出版社,2008.
[3] 孙鼎国.西方文化百科辞典[Z].吉林人民出版社,2006.
[4] 万中航.哲学小辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2003.


1. 我们翻开施达克的著作(卡·尼·施达克《路德维希·费尔巴哈》1885年斯图加特版),就会看到他经常引证休谟和康德的拥护者们。施达克把费尔巴哈同这两条路线区分开来。施达克同时还引证阿·黎尔、文德尔班和阿·朗格(施达克的书第3、18—19、127页及以下各页)。——《列宁全集(第十八卷)》,1988:213-214

1. We open Starcke’s book (C. N. Starcke, Ludwig Feuerbach, Stuttgart, 1885), and find constant references to the adherents of Hume and Kant. Starcke dissociates Feuerbach from these two trends. Starcke quotes in this connection A. Riehl, Windelband and A. Lange (pp. 3, 18-19, 127 et seq., in Starcke). -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 206.

2. 当哲学求助于形式和内容关系的结构前提时,它或者把个别学科的“数学”方法改成为哲学的方(如马堡学派[Marburger Schule]),或者把物质的非理性,从逻辑意义上,说成是“最终的”事实(如文德尔班、李凯忽特、拉斯克等)。——《历史与阶级意识——关于马克思主义辩证法的研究》,1996:190

2. Where philosophy has recourse to the structural assumptions lying behind the form-content relationship it either exalts the ‘mathematicising’ method of the special sciences, elevating it into the method proper to philosophy (as in the Marburg School), or else it establishes the irrationality of matter, as logically, the ‘ultimate’ fact (as do Windelband, Rickert and Lask). -Quoted from History and Class Consciousness: Studies in Marxist Dialectics, 1968: 120.


例句 1:
威廉·文德尔班(Wilhelm Windelband, 1848-1915)是新康德主义西南学派的创始人,他的历史思想对19世纪末20世纪初的德国哲学和史学界有着深远的影响。——《文德尔班的历史思想研究--以<哲学史教程>中的历史编纂思想为中心》,复旦大学硕士学位论文,2014
Wilhelm Windelband whose historical thoughts made a great contribution both to German philosophy and historiography between the end of 19th century and the beginning of 20 century, was acknowledged as the founder of neo-Kantianism Southwest German School.

例句 2:
The author tries to study Windelband's perspective of history of philosophy, pointing out that there is a double inclination becoming and deconstruction, which reveals the transitional character of his philosophy.

例句 3:
The philosophy of value is the research focus of Neo-Kantianism and occupies an important position in modern philosophy. The paper centers on the theories put forward by Windelband and Rickert and their different understandings of fact and value, the association and difference between value and evaluation as well as the philosophy of value as a special object of philosophical studies.





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