

字词 宿命




Sim, S. Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History [M]. London: Routledge, 2001: 100.






1. 不幸的是,革命是“自主性”(与同胞从事“有思想的行动”的能力)的问题,这就要求拒斥所有不便的人性或文化宿命模式。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:157

1. Ultimately, the revolution is a matter of autonomy (the ability to engage in ‘thoughtful doing’ with one’s fellow beings), and that demands a rejection of all models of an invariant human nature or cultural destiny. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 100.

2. 这种统一(“由于”“既定的环境”)稍微缺乏具有阶级意识的革命行动,具有一种任意的性质,显然缺少马克思主义想在具体的历史环境下注入到革命之中的宿命感。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:147

2. There is an arbitrary quality to such unity (‘in so far as’, ‘a given milieu’) that falls somewhat short of class-conscious revolutionary action, and a distinct lack of the sense of destiny that Marxism tends to imbue such action with in its historical context. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 93.

3. 辛德斯和赫斯特否认一切政治和意识形态都能被还原为经济。就马克思主义思想赋予经济的首要性而言,这使他们的著作上升到值得称道的更高的怀疑水平上。一个特点既不是历史科学、目的论的宿命感,又不是经济主义偏见的马克思主义已经远远超越了各种传统的观念。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:82

3. Hindess and Hirst deny that all politics and ideology can be reduced to the economic level, and given the primacy accorded the economic in Marxist thought, this raises their work to an appreciably higher level of scepticism. A Marxism which features neither a science of history, a sense of teleological destiny, nor an economic bias, has moved well beyond traditional conceptions. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 53.


例句 1:
But side by side on the fate of the writing that appears in the mode of the tendency of issues also need attention.

例句 2:
The reader sees the tragedy of the predestination an and once to present to public in Liuheng's cloak-and-daggerly. This thesis tries to search the philosophy of life of the cold and heavy style from the mode and the inside construction of the novel.

例句 3:
Dickens is well-known for his humorous style which caters for the popular taste quite appropriately. Especially his early novels are soaked with humorous elements and help to establish him a great fame. Great Expectations was created in the late phase of his career. Therefore, besides inheriting his consistent genius, this book exhibits a sort of deviation from the main road which I will exert myself to discussion in the following chapters. After a thorough study of this book, I would like to point out a view that





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