

字词 《国务院关于孤儿保障工作的意见》


the Opinions of the State Council on Strengthening Care and Protection of Orphans


《中国的减贫行动与人权进步》白皮书:英语/中华人民共和国 国务院新闻办公室,2016


1. 落实《国务院关于孤儿保障工作的意见》,全面建立全国孤儿基本生活保障制度和艾滋病病毒感染儿童生活保障制度,中央财政每年安排20亿元,保障50多万名孤独和艾滋病病毒感染儿童的基本生活,并对他们的医疗、教育、康复及成年后就业、住房等做了制度性安排。--《中国的减贫行动与人权进步》白皮书

1. The government has implemented the Opinions of the State Council on Strengthening Care and Protection of Orphans, on the basis of which a nationwide subsistence allowance system for orphans and a living allowance system for HIV-affected children have been established. To this end, the central government allocates RMB2 billion every year, ensuring the basic life needs of more than 500,000 orphans and HIV-infected children and making institutional arrangements concerning their medical care, education, and rehabilitation, and their employment, housing and other needs when they grow up. —Quoted from White Paper on China’s Progress in Poverty Reduction and Human Rights





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