

字词 原始社会


primitive society


Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 91.






1. 第一种是在所有社会生产过程中都必须存在的主体(人)和客体(自然),第二种是在私有制条件下的一些社会生产特有的(如所有制、市场交换),第三种是原始社会与共产主义社会共有的(如公有制)。马克思进一步指出,谈论生产一般更重要的是不能忘记生产的历史存在的“本质的差别”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:535

1. The first kind refers to the subjects (men) and objects (nature) that must exist in all social productive processes; the second refers to the elements of social production that exist uniquely under conditions of private property (ownership, market exchange, etc.); the third refers to elements common to primitive society and communist society (public ownership). Marx goes on to point out that it is important to not forget the “essential differences” of the historical existence of production. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 422.

2. 内务部通过秘密办法获得了莫斯科某星期日学校公开讲课大纲,其内容如下:‘社会起源。原始社会。社会组织的发展。国家和为什么需要国家。秩序。自由。正义。国家制度形式。——《列宁全集(第二卷)》,1984:67

2. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is in possession of a programme, privately received, for public lectures in a Moscow Sunday school on the following points: ‘The origin of society. Primitive society. The development of social organisation. The state and what it is needed for. Order. Liberty. Justice. Forms of political structure. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 02), 1977: 91.

3. 可是,每个时代的人们从事劳动生产的具体情况和前提性条件又不一样,原始社会中的简单劳动与今天的信息化生产中的劳动显然是异质的,这是劳动观念的抽象“只有对于这些条件并在这些条件之内才具有充分的适用性”的方面。——《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:239

3. Nevertheless, the particular circumstances and preconditions of labor in a given period are not the same, e.g. simple labor in primitive societies observably differs from today's labor engaged in information-based production, which rightly proves that the conceptual abstraction of labor only ful1y applies for and within these conditions. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 318.


例句 1:
A field of Anthropology and history has in the primitive society and customs, worship, witchcraft, religion, military system and so on a large number of studies, jurisprudence on the origin of law and customary law research is concentrated, but the habits of primitive society to the customary law into the process and principle of, but few people to conduct the research. Through the study of this problem, we found that the original customary law formed the basic principle; this principle also contains views on the origin and the nature of the problem.

例句 2:
Initial chaos is the mother in the primitive society. The chaos is not huddle, and it has own unique operating characteristic and order itself.

例句 3:
This article mainly expounds the development and change of the fish-shaped decorative iod of primitive society to modern times.





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