

字词 佃农理论


theory of sharecropping;the theory of share tenancy


Steven N.S. Cheung. The Theory of Share Tenancy [M]. The University of Chicago Press: 1969.




[1] 钟美瑞.行为激励合约理论及应用[M].上海交通大学出版社,2014.
[2] 郝超.经济学名著指南[M].民主与建设出版社,2003.
[3] 佃农理论.via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E4%BD%83%E5%86%9C%E7%90%86%E8%AE%BA/2752658


1. 第2章推衍出的佃农理论,对亚洲农业中劳动与土地的比率较高提供了一个不同的解释:农民占有的土地面积小,是因为他们从事其他经济活动可获得的收益低。他们的收益低,是因为相对于劳动力来说可耕地面积小,以及耕作技术和知识在其他行业没有什么价值。——《佃农理论》,2001:228

1. The theory of share tenancy derived in Chapter 2 provides a different explanation for higher ratios of labor to land in Asian agriculture: the peasants’ landholdings are small because their alternative earnings are low. And their low earnings are due to the small area of arable land relative to labor force, together with fact that farming skill and knowledge are not highly valued in other industries.-Quoted from The Theory of Share Tenancy, 2010:166.

2. 上述所描述的合约条款基本上蕴含在佃农理论中,而且正如我们将要更为详细地考察的,它们与中国分成合约中的条款十分相似。——《佃农理论》,2001: 228

2. The contractual stipulations as described are implied by the theory of share tenancy, and as we shall see in greater detail, they are similar to those in China. -Quoted from The Theory of Share Tenancy, 2010:40.


例句 1:
新佃农理论推翻了传统佃农理论关于分成契约效率低下的观点。其实,传 统观点的不严谨之处主要是未能考虑真实世界中的风险费用。所以,只要把风险因素 统一到交易费用范畴当中也可证明分成契约的有效性。尽管地主的租金收益权利被管 制而造成租金耗散,但佃农之间的竞争效应使得佃农劳动投入增加从而农业总产出提 高。若交易费用分为外生性与内生性两种,则可以进一步以此划分地权管制的效率边 界,而地权适度管制是具有机会主义倾向的人们在资源属性约束下最小化总交易费 用的一种理性选择行为范式。因此,地权管制的程度与范围随着交易费用的转变而改变。——“佃农分成理论与地权管制范式”,载于《财经论丛》,2015年02期
New tenancy theory refutes the view of conventional tenancy theory that sharing contract is low in efficiency. In fact, the problem with the conventional theory is that it has not considered the risk cost in the real world. So, if the risk factor is integrated into the transactional cost, the efficiency of sharing contract can be proved as well. Although the regulation of landlord's rent revenue right causes rent dissipation ,the effect of tenants' competition becomes an incentive to increase their labor inputs and improve gross agriculture production levels. If the transactional cost is divided into the two types of exogenous and endogenous ones, we can thereby demarcate the efficiency boundary of land right regulation. And appropriate regulation of land right is a behavior paradigm of rational choice made by the opportunist minimizing gross transactional costs under the constraint of resource attribute.

例句 2:
本文从佃农理论的合作博弈逻辑范式出发,证明分成契约也是有效率的。接着,根据风险承 担的程度,本文把联盟成员分为内核型集团和外缘型集团





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