

字词 本票(又作允诺付款的票据)


bond; cheque; promissory note


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 15) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1986: 11.
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1998: 597.
[3] 刘伟,梁小民,雎国余,杨云龙.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994:97.
[4] 本票.via:https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%9C%AC%E7%A5%A8


根据《中华人民共和国票据法》规定,本票要求具备以下的必要项目:1.标明其为“本票”字样;2.无条件支付承诺;3.出票人签字;4.出票日期和地点;5.确定的金额;6.收款人或其指定人姓名(本票.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=f479-XU5d2x615WkfByWbIYnXAOWQI0rcuVacAgr0qrXZjwlqCbDC7rGutNdaqk7sihuQLlLPlpbGXrC1YLkFVkkLkSuiz81bBg-0s3saaK)。


[1] 罗肇鸿,王怀宁.资本主义大辞典[Z].人民出版社,1995.
[2] 本票.via:
[3] 刘伟,梁小民,雎国余,杨云龙.经济学大辞典[Z].团结出版社,1994.


1. Crédit Mobilier要求的究竟是什么呢?不过是以Crédit Mobilier自己发行的单一的股票来代替各种股份公司发行的所有各种有价证券。但是它怎样才能做到这一点?办法就是Crédit Mobilier用发行自己的股票或其他证券而得来的资金去收购各种工业企业的有价证券。但是,收购一切本票、股票、债券等等,——一句话,即某个企业的全部有价证券,这就等于购买了企业本身。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十二卷)》,1962:27

1. To substitute for all these different titles carried on by different joint stock companies, one common title issued by the “Credit Mobilier” itself. But how can it effect this? By buying up with its own titles the titles of the various industrial concerns. Buying up all the bonds, shares, debentures, etc.; in one word the titles of a concern, is buying up the concern itself. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 15), 1986: 11.

2. 银行发行的本票,事实上只是存入的贵金属铸币和贵金属条块的收据,要有它们的持有人的背书才可以流通。但是,在荷兰,商业信用和货币经营业已经随着商业和工场手工业的发展而发展,而在发展过程中,生息资本已从属于产业资本和商业资本。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷下)》,1974:681

2. The cheques issued by the bank were indeed merely receipts for the deposited coined and uncoined precious metal, and circulated only with the endorsement of the acceptors. But in Holland commercial credit and dealing in money developed hand in hand with commerce and manufacture, and interest-bearing capital was subordinated to industrial and commercial capital by the course of development itself. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37), 1998: 597.

3. 可见,Crédit Mobilier的这种债券纯粹是仿效铁路本票,即在一定期限内和在一定条件下应当赎回并能带来固定利息的债券。但是也有区别。铁路本票常常以铁路本身作抵押来担保,而Crédit Mobilier的债券以什么来担保呢?Crédit Mobilier是用自己的债券买来无期公债、股票、债券以及诸如此类的工业公司的证券作担保的。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第十二卷)》,1962:33

3. Now, these debentures of the Crédit Mobilier are simply imitations of railway bonds—obligations redeemable at certain epochs and under certain conditions, and bearing a fixed interest. But there is a difference. While railway bonds are often secured by a mortgage of the railway itself, what is the security for the Crédit Mobilier debentures? The rents, shares, debentures and the like, of industrial companies, which the Crédit Mobilier buys with its own debentures. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 15), 1986: 23.


例句 1:
System of property rights acquired in good faith objects, including movable and immovable property and other rights object.

例句 2:
Negotiable Instruments is a high degree of international unity and highly technical legal, the current Law of Negotiable Instruments blank bills to take a strict limit attitude, does not recognize blank money orders and blank promissory notes, and only provides the amount of the lack of notes and to pay the existence of the payee blank check, blank bill needs the growing number of reality does not match, is not conducive to international legal standards.

例句 3:





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