字词 | 循环论证 |
释义 | 循环论证【英】circular reasoning; circular logic; vicious circle译文来源[1] Circular reasoning. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Circular_reasoning 定义论证中的一种逻辑错误,指在论证过程中,违反论证规则,把论题作为论据去证明论据的一种逻辑错误。一个正确的论证,论题的成立是由论据推出来的,而论据本身应当是公理或经过证明的定理,而非依靠论题来证明。如果论据反而需要靠论题来论证,这就犯了循环论证的逻辑错误。例如,有人企图证明欧几里得几何中的平行公设,所用的论据是关于三角形内角和的定理,而这类定理都是平行公设加上其他平面几何公理推导出来的,这就是循环论证(《数学辞海》编辑委员会,2002:670)。循环论证最早由古希腊怀疑学派提出,是批驳关于对象的认识的真理性和可靠性的主要论据之一。怀疑学派代表人物埃奈西德穆、阿格利巴、美诺多托斯分别提出悬搁判断的十点论式、五点论式和两点论式,批驳认识的可能性。贯彻其中的逻辑论据之一就是认为,可知论必然陷入循环论证。他们指出,关于认识对象的直接或间接认识都不可能成立,因为其真实性还需要依靠其他论题进行论证。如论证感性认识的确立时,需要引证理性认识作为论据;而论证这种理性认识的确立时,又需要引证感性认识作为论据,从而陷入循环论证。但事实上,有些非常基本的判断,如科学理论中的公理、公设,其真实性是不可能通过论证而只能通过实践来证明的(冯契等,2000:841)。 定义来源[1] 《数学辞海》编辑委员会.数学辞海·第一卷[M].中国科学技术出版社,2002. 例句1. 马克思面前的《国富论》是译成法文的五卷本,他只是对四卷正文中的前三卷进行了摘录,这些摘录约有170 余段。而且,这些摘录的后半部分并没有严格地遵循原书的次序。第一卷开篇,马克思摘录了分工问题,可是他没有注意斯密关于分工促进劳动生产力的观点,却在挑剔其在第二章中所阐述的关于分工与交换的关系的“循环论证”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:163 1. The version of the Wealth of Nations that Marx had before him was the French translation in five volumes. Of these, Marx only took excerpts from the first three volumes of the four that contained the main body of text. In all, he recorded more than 170 excerpts. The latter half of those excerpts did not strictly follow the original order of their placement in Smith’s work. From the first volume, though Marx does take excerpts on Smith’s discussion of the division of labor, he does not notice Smith’s view that the division of labor drives the productive forces of labor. Rather, Marx nitpicks at what he calls the “circular reasoning” that Smith uses in the second chapter to describe the relation between division of labor and exchange. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 118-119. 2. 司徒卢威先生在谈到市场理论本身时指出,瓦•沃•先生和尼•一逊先生陷入了下面这个循环论证而不能自拔,资本主义的发展需要市场扩大,而资本主义却使居民破产。作者极不恰当地用他的马尔萨斯主义来纠正这个循环论证,认为使农民破产的不是资本主义而是“人口的増长”!!——《列宁全集(第一卷)》,1984:422 2. Proceeding to deal with the theory of markets itself, Mr. Struve notes that Messrs. V. and N.—on are caught in a vicious circle: while the development of capitalism requires the growth of the market, capitalism ruins the population. The author very unsuccessfully corrects this vicious circle with his Malthusianism, placing the blame for the ruin of the peasantry on the “growth of the population” and not on capitalism!! -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1977: 496-497. 3. 因此,用劳动价值来确定商品的相对价值是和经济事实相抵触的。这是在循环论证中打转,这是用本身还需要确定的相对价值来确定相对价值。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四卷)》,1958:98 3. Thus it is going against economic facts to determine the relative value of commodities by the value of labour. It is moving in a vicious circle, it is to determine relative value by a relative value which itself needs to be determined. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 6), 1976: 128. 网络参考例句例句 1: |
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