

字词 培根


Francis Bacon


[2]Francis Bacon. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Bacon


弗兰西斯·培根(Francis Bacon,1561—1626),英国哲学家,英国唯物主义和现代实验科学的鼻祖。出生于伦敦,就读于剑桥大学。毕业后从政,历任国会议员、国王顾问、大法官等要职。1576年作为英驻法大使的随员赴法。1613年受命为首席检察官,1617年为掌玺大臣,翌年又担任大法官,多次接受贵族封号。1621年被指控犯有受贿罪而结束了自己的政治生涯,此后,便专心从事著书。他把人的心智能力分为记忆、想象、理性三类,根据这三种能力把知识范围分为相应的历史、诗、哲学三类。其中心的目的是在适当的基础上把科学、艺术和一切人类知识重新加以改造,以实现科学的复兴,促进生产的发展,从而为人类谋福利。他曾提出过著名的“知识就是力量”的口号(金炳华等,2001:1084)。“培根是近代自然科学的鸣锣开道者。他最早表达了近代科学观,阐述了科学的目的、性质,发展科学的正确途径,首次总结出科学实验的经验方法—归纳法,对近代科学的发展起到了指导作用”(赵敦华,2012:203)。他批评经院哲学只是一味的玩弄概念,进行无谓的争论,要求科学和哲学从宗教神学的禁锢下解放出来。最后,他还指出了妨碍人类获得正确认识的“四假相”说。认为种族假相、洞穴假相、市场假相、剧场假相等幻想与偏见扰乱了人心,使理智陷入了主观性与片面性,不能明晰地反应自然、获得正确的认识。主要著作有《论说文集》(1597年)、《论事物的本性》(1604年)、《学术的进展》(又名《论科学的价值和发展》)(1605年)、《新工具》(1620年)、《新大西岛》(1623年)(金炳华等,2001:1084)。




1. 英国唯物主义和整个现代实验科学的真正始祖是培根。在他的眼中,自然科学是真正的科学,而以感性经验为基础的物理学则是自然科学的最重要的部分。阿那克萨哥拉连同他那无限数量的原始物质和德谟克利特连同他的原子,都常常被他当做权威来引证。按照他的学说,感觉是完全可靠的,是一切知识的泉源。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1957:163

1. The real progenitor of English materialism and all modern experimental science is Bacon. To him natural philosophy is the only true philosophy, and physics based upon the experience of the senses is the chiefest part of natural philosophy. Anaxagoras and his homoeomeriae, Democritus and his atoms, he often quotes as his authorities. According to him the senses are infallible and the source of all knowledge. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1975: 128.

2. 马克思认识到,英国唯物主义是与现代实验科学同步发生的。在创始人培根那里,“科学是实验的科学,科学就在于用理性方法去整理感性材料。归纳、分析、比较、观察和实验是理性方法的主要条件”。那时候,这种唯物主义“还在朴素的形式下包含着全面发展的萌芽。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:557

2. Marx recognized that English materialism happened at the same time as modern empirical science. For Bacon, the progenitor of these movements, “All science is based on experience, and consists in subjecting the data furnished by the senses to a rational method of investigation. Induction, analysis, comparison, observation, and experiment are the main conditions of the rational method. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 213.

3. “施蒂纳”称为“清醒的头脑”的人,黑格尔称之为“有教养的举世闻名的人”(同上,第255页);在圣麦克斯那里,这些人甚至一下子都变成了“儿童心灵的纯朴”,因为英国哲学家必须代表儿童。正是由于这个儿童的原因,培根就不得“注意神学的问题和要点”,而不管他在自己的著作(特别是在“论科学的发展”、“新工具”和“论文集”)中讲了些什么。反之,“德国的思维……认为……认识本身是生活”(第112页),因为德国的思维是青年。Ecce iterum Grispinus!——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三卷)》,1956:186

3. The people whom “Stirner” calls “clear intellects” Hegel (ibid., p. 255) calls "educated men of the world"—Saint Max on one occasion even transforms them into the "simplicity of childish nature", for the English philosophers have to represent the child. On the same childish grounds Bacon is not allowed to have "concerned himself with theological problems and cardinal propositions", regardless of what may be said in his writings (particularly De Augmentis Scientiarum, Novum Organum and the Essays). On the other hand, "German thought ... sees life only in cognition itself" (p. 112), for it is the youth. Ecce iterum Crispinus! -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 5), 1975: 172.


例句 1:
Bacon is not only a great British a great legal thinker, but also holds several important judicial duties over a long period of time.

例句 2:
Francis Bacon (1561-1626), a distinguished philosopher and statesman in Britain during the Renaissance, is regarded as the inaugurator of British essays, whose work, The Essays, has not only become his main representative of literary creation, but also won him enduring literary fame.

例句 3:
Francis Bacon is one of the most famous English philosophers and also the founder of the Induction of the Methods of the Scientific Discovery.





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