

字词 和平演变


peaceful evolution




和平演变是西方帝国主义国家采取非军事手段对社会主义国家实施进攻的一种战略手段,目的在于使社会主义国家走西方民主化的道路,直至演变成资本主义。最早提出“和平演变”的是美国驻苏联代办乔治·凯南,他在1946年给华盛顿的电报中,提出了“遏制”战略,强调使用“非军事手段”,促使苏联“和平演变”,以“改变社会主义国家政权性质”。不久,“遏制”战略便以“杜鲁门主义”形式宣布,“和平演变”战略随之出台(王建民,1991:326)。西方敌对势力对社会主义国家实施和平演变战略的内容和手段是多种多样的,其中主要是:第一,加强意识形态的渗透。西方国家利用各种新闻媒介传播资本主义的政治模式、经济模式、价值观念及生活方式,破坏社会主义国家的稳定。第二,利用经济援助、技术转让、贸易交流作为施加政治影响的手段,诱使社会主义国家向西方靠拢,进而纳入资本主义的轨道。第三,以其所谓“自由”、“民主”、“人权”的口号为宣传武器,干涉社会主义国家的内政,培植、扶持反对本国政府的“持不同政见者”,推行强权政治。第四,利用宗教对抗和削弱马克思主义的意识形态,为反社会主义势力张目。第五,在社会主义国家策划和支持反动势力为非作歹,大挖社会主义墙角。第六,对青年知识分子进行“资本主义熏陶”,培养“亲西方的下一代”(贾平安,1993,via: http://book.duxiu.com/EncyDetail.jsp?dxid=900006504312&d=A6B44B26B1C796734D09B6FDEA593931)。挫败西方国家和平演变的阴谋是社会主义国家巩固和发展社会主义的历史任务。


[1] 王建民.政治工作大词典[Z].军事科学出版社,1991.
[2] 贾平安.和平演变[A].1993,via:


1. 坚持独立自主,就要坚持独立自主的和平外交政策,坚定不移走和平发展道路。我们要高举和平、发展、合作、共赢的旗帜,坚持在和平共处五项原则基础上同各国友好相处,在平等互利基础上积极开展同各国的交流合作,坚定不移维护世界和平、促进共同发展。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:30

1. Adhering to independence requires us to uphold our independent foreign policy of peace, and follow the path of peaceful development. We should hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and benefit for all, maintain friendly relations with other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, conduct exchanges and cooperation with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, staunchly safeguard world peace, and promote common development. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 32.

2. 经典马克思主义已经成为一个教条体系,抵制任何关于改变的想法或任何范式转换的可能性。然而,拉克劳和墨菲希望推动演变的过程:这里仍然勿庸失望。与50年前相比,今天对社会主义的任何重构都必须起始于一个更加多样化的、更加复杂的和更加矛盾的经验地平线,更不用说与1914年、1871年或1848年相比了;这一事实对想象力和政治创新都是一个挑战。——《后马克思主义思想史》,2011:65

2. Classical Marxism has become a body of dogma, resistant to any idea of change or the possibility of any paradigm shift; whereas Laclau and Mouffe wish to press the case for evolution:There is no room here for disappointment. The fact that any reformulation of socialism has to start today from a more diversified, complex and contradictory horizon of experiences than that of fifty years ago—not to mention 1914, 1871 or 1848—is a challenge to the imagination and to political creativity. -Quoted from Post-Marxism: An Intellectual History, 2001: 42.


例句 1:
The founding of New China is facing the political structure of the world imperialism and socialism which are two major groups opposing the needle front, and the West of the peaceful evolution to socialist countries has gradually become the main means of struggle.

例句 2:
On the foundation of the analysis of Mao Zedong’s Thought on Youth Chapter IV takes Mao’s proposal of preventing peaceful evolution as the entry point, takes into account the current undesirable trend in the youth, and analyze the current situations of projects related to the peaceful evolution scheme of hostile countries in the West against China and the issue of how to win the development of the youth, the country and the nation and proposes suggestions favorable for youth issues and youth work. 

例句 3:
Making efforts of exploring great significances of preventing “peaceful evolution” thought from Deng leading the Chinese people in the socialist construction of the the





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