

字词 《学术界》




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《学术界》是面向我国人文社会科学界的大型综合性学术期刊。每期312个文字页码和8个彩页,是深度学术信息和综合学术信息最多的国内知名学术期刊之一,已入编“全国中文核心期刊”、“中国人文社会科学核心期刊”和“中文社会科学引文索引来源期刊(CSSCI)”(via: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%AD%A6%E6%9C%AF%E7%95%8C/10752047?fr=aladdin)。《学术界》自2000年改版以来已成为我国具有重要影响的人文社会科学大型综合性学术期刊,内容涵盖了人文社会科学的各个方面,并兼顾各个学科的合理分布,对交叉学科也同样予以重视。《学术界》是深度学术信息和综合学术信息最多的国内知名学术期刊之一。《学术界》采用特色栏目方式记录我国学术界具有学术史价值的问题和成果,坚持思想性和学术性并重。长期以来,《学术界》坚持以宪法精神和创新理念为指导,努力追求学术创新、学术自由和学术规范,积极探索和解决中国人自身发展问题,试图提升人文社会科学的价值、权威和尊严。刊物紧紧围绕人文社会科学的前沿问题,在继续保持学术性、创新性、批评性、前瞻性、文献性特色的基础上,坚持学术创新和学术自由,探究中国经济和社会的深层问题,致力于成为社会各界交流学术思想的平台,展示学术文化的窗口。著名学者于光远先生欣然题词“展现二十一世纪中国学术界新形象”;《光明日报》专文介绍改版后的《学术界》为“中国学术界的窗口”,北京大学、南京大学、复旦大学等众多著名高校相继将刊物遴选为核心期刊,《光明日报》每年公布的中国人民大学书报学科中心转载量评估中,《学术界》在社会科学总论报刊类名列前茅,刊发的论文被《新华文摘》、《中国社会科学文摘》等刊物大量转摘,在行业内取得了较大的反响。


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1. 在这以前,三民主义是和教育界、学术界、青年界没有多大联系的,因为它没有提出反帝国主义的口号,也没有提出反封建社会制度和反封建文化思想的口号。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:701

1. Previously, the Three People’s Principles had exerted little influence on the educational and academic world or with the youth, because they had not raised the issues of opposition to imperialism or to the feudal social system and feudal culture and ideology. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 374-375.

2. 20世纪60年代至70年代期间,在美国,尤其是在学术界,出现了一次最为举世瞩目的马克思主义理论兴趣大回潮。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:340

2. During the 1960s and 1970s there was in the United States a most striking resurgence of interest in Marxist theory, particularly in academic circles. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 354.

3. 在战后,一次范围广泛的“哲学讨论”又提起了人们对哲学问题的兴趣。讨论以谴责亚历山大罗夫(Alexandrov)的《西欧哲学史》过于“客观主义”而告终。这次讨论主要是根据斯大林在所有理论问题上的代言人日丹诺夫(Zhdanov)的倡议进行的。斯大林还亲自干预,支持李森科(Lysenko)反对孟德尔(Mendel)的遗传学观点,以至于这种干预后来在学术界成为不可或缺的。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:139-140

3. Interest in philosophical questions revived after the war with a wide-ranging ‘philosophical discussion’ which ended with condemnation of Alexandrov’s History of Western European Philosophy for being too ‘objectivist’. This was largely on the initiative of Zhdanov, Stalin’s spokesman on all intellectual matters. Stalin also intervened personally in support of Lysenko’s anti-Mendelian views on genetics, which became thereafter de rigeur in academic circles. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 419.


例句 1:
殊不知,近些年以来,西方学术界围绕“悲剧衰亡”问题展开的讨论不仅没有过时与终结,反而较之先前,又衍生了一些新的问题,孵化出了新的学术热点,呈现了若干新的研究景象。——《乔治·斯坦纳的“悲剧衰亡”论研究》,山东大学 博士学位论文,2012
However, in recent years, the discussion around the problem of "tragedy decline" in western academic circles is not only the out of date and end, but compared to the previous, some new problems are putting forward, hatching new academic hotspots, taking on some new research scene.

例句 2:
Therefore the research on him became such a hot subject in the field of the history of the Communist Party of China, China’s modern and contemporary history and the history of the international communist movement that was concerned by academia.

例句 3:
Treads of "cultural Studies" emerged and brew rapidly in the late 20th century and have now become a hot issue for scholars from home and abroad. As a new interdisciplinary idea with broader perspectives, it is dune a challenging subject of study.





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