释义 |
径(徑、 1. 3.*逕)jìnɡ ㄐㄧㄥヽ 1.小路 foot-path; track:山~ shānjìng mountain path fig. 达到目的的方法 way; means:捷~ jiéjìng shortcut/ 门~ ménjìng access; way [径庭 -tíng] fig. 相差太远 very unlike:大相~~ dàxiāngjìngtíng entirely different; widely divergent [径赛 -sài]各种长短距离的赛跑和竞走项目比赛的总称 track, course specially prepared for all kinds of long or short length racing (including jog race) 2.直径,两端以圆周为界,通过圆心的直线或指直径的长度 diameter, (the length of) a straight line going from one side to another through the centre of a circle:半~(圆心至圆周的线段) bànjìng radius, (the line marking) the distance from the centre of a circle to its edge/ 口~ kǒujìng bore; calibre 3.直截了当 straight; directly:~启者 jìngqǐzhě one who opens directly/ ~向有关单位联系 jìng xiàng yǒuguān dānwèi liánxì directly contact with the unit concerned |