

释义 (運)yùn
1.旋转,循序移动 motion; movement:日月~行 rìyuè yùnxíng The sun and the moon move. [运动 -dòng]1.物理学上指物体的位置连续不断地变化的现象 motion; movement, (in physics) the continuous changing of positions of objects 2.哲学上指物质的存在形式和根本属性 motion (in philosophy), the nature or existing form of matters 3.各种锻炼身体的活动,如体操、游泳等 sports; exercises, various types of physical training, such as gymnastics, swimming, etc. 4.政治、文化、生产等方面开展的有组织的群众性活动 movement; campaign, organized political, cultural, or production mass activity:五四~~ Wǔ-Sì Yùndòng the May Fourth Movement of 1919/ 增产节约~~ zēngchǎn jiéyuē yùndòng the movement of increasing production and practising economy 5.为求达到某种目的而钻营奔走 curry favour with sb in authority for personal gains
2.搬送 carry; transport; ship ( comb. -输 -shū transport):~货 yùnhuò transport cargo (or goods)/ 客~ kèyùn passenger traffic/ 陆~ lùyùn land transportation
3.运用,灵活使用 use; wield; utilize:~思 yùnsī exercise one's mind (in writing)/ ~筹 yùnchóu draw up plans
4.指人的遭遇。特指迷信的人所说的命中注定的遭遇 fortune; luck; fate, a power that predetermines events:幸~ xìngyùn fortunate; lucky/ 走好~ zǒu hǎoyùn have good luck




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