

释义 (價) jià
ㄐㄧㄚヽ价钱,商品所值的钱数 price, sum of money for which sth. is (to be)sold or bought:~目 jiàmù marked price; price/ 物~稳定 wùjià wěn-dìng Prices remain stable/ 减~ jiǎnjià reduce (or lower) the prices; mark down [价格 -gé]用货币表现出来的商品的价值 price, value of goods shown in a currency [价值 -zhí]1.政治经济学上指凝结在商品中的生产者的社会必要劳动 (in political econo-my) value, the producer's social necessary labour congealed in the products 2.通常指用途或重要性 worth; value:有~~ yǒu jiàzhí be worth; be of (great) value [原子价 yuánzǐ-]化学上称能跟某元素一个原子相化合的氢原子数为这个元素的原子价,也省称“价” valence, the number of atomic weights of hydrogen with which the atomic weight of an element will combine; also simplified as "价" jiè jie




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