释义 |
博bó ㄅㄛ 1.多,广 abundant; plentiful ( comb. 广- guǎng- extensive; broad):地大物~ dìdà-wùbó vast territory and abundant resources/ ~学 bóxué learned/ ~览 bólǎn read widely [博士 -shì]1.学位名 doctor's degree 2.古代掌管学术的官名 name of official with the duty in charge of academic studies in ancient times [博物 -wù]动物、植物、矿物、生理等学科的总称 general name for zoology, botany, mineralogy, physiology, etc. 2.知道得多 erudite; well-informed:~古通今 bógǔ-tōngjīn possess a wide knowledge of things ancient and modern 3.用自己的行动换取 win; gain:~得同情 bódé tóngqíng win sympathy 4.古代的一种棋戏,后泛指赌博 a kind of chess game in ancient times; now referring to gamble in general |