

释义 (護)
ㄏㄨヽ保卫 protect; shield ( comb. 保- bǎo- protect):爱~ àihù cherish; take good care of/ ~路 hùlù patrol and guard a road or railway; road maintenance ext. 掩蔽,包庇 be partial to; shield from censure;indulge:~短 hùduǎn indulging a shortcoming or fault/ 不要一味地~着他 Bùyào yīwèi de hùzhe tā. Don't be partial to him all the time. [护照 -zhào]1.外交主管机关发给本国公民进入另一国停留时用以证明身分的执照 passport, a license issued by an authoritied diplomacy institution of a country to for identifying his citizenship when he enters and resides in another country 2.旧时旅行或运货时所带的政府机关证明文件 (old use) certificate issued by the authorities to any person when he travelling or taking goods through the country [护士 -shi]医院里担任护理工作的人员 nurse, person trained to help a doctor to look after the sick or injured in a hospital




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