

释义 chōu
1.从事物中提出一部分 take a part from a whole:~签 chōuqiān draw lots/ ~调干部 chōudiào gànbù transfer cadre/ ~空儿 chōukòngr manage to find time [抽象 -xiàng]1.从各种事物中抽取共同的本质特点成为概念 to form an abstract concept from same essential particularity extracted from various things 2.笼统,不具体 abstract; not concrete:问题这样提太~~了,最好举一个实例 Wèntí zhèyàng tí tài chōuxiàng le, zuìhǎo jǔ yī ge shílì. Such questions are too abstract. You'd better give us one concrete example.
2.长出 put forth:谷子~穗 gǔzi chōusuì. The millet is earing up.
3.吸 suck:~水 chōushuǐ draw (or pump) water/ ~气机 chōuqìjī air exhauster; air pump/ ~烟 chōuyān smoke
4.减缩,收缩 shrink:这布一洗~了一厘米 Zhè bù yī xǐ chōule yī límǐ. The cloth shrank by one centimeter after being washed. [抽风 -fēng]手足痉挛,口眼歪斜的症状 convulsions
5.用细长的、软的东西打 whip:他不再用鞭子~牲口了 Tā bùzài yòng biānzi chōu shēngkou le. He did not whip livestocks any more.




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