

字词 两分法


bisection; dichotomy; splitting one into two


[1] 金炳华.哲学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001:852.
[2] McLellan, D. Marxism after Marx: An Introduction [M]. Translated by Zhang Yibing. London: Macmillan Press, 1998, 178.
[3] The Centre’s Instruction On Learning From Each Other And Overcoming Complacency And Conceit . via:




[1] 金炳华,冯契.哲学大辞典(修订本)[Z].上海辞书出版社,2001.
[2] 巢峰.毛泽东思想大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,1993.
[3] 毛泽东.毛泽东文集(第八卷)[C].人民出版社,1999.


1. 这样,卢卡奇为何极其重视正确的方法论的原因也就很清楚了。的确,他多少有点不顾自己曾强调过概念的整体性和易变性,而提出在马克思的命题和他的方法之间存在着一种严格的两分法。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:170

1. It thus becomes c1ear why Lukács set great store by the correct methodology. Indeed––somewhat ignoring his own emphasis on totality and the fluidity of concepts––he posited a rigid dichotomy between the theses of Marx and his method. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 178.

2. 中央多次对同志们提出这个问题,认为一个共产党人必须具备对于成绩与缺点、真理与错误这个两分法的马克思主义辩证思想。事物(经济、政治、思想、文化、军事、党务等等)总是作为过程而向前发展的。而任何一个过程,都是由矛盾着的两个侧面互相联系又互相斗争而得到发展的。这应当是马克思主义者的普通常识。但是,中央和各地同志中,有许多人却很少认真地用这种观点去思索去工作。他们的头脑,长期存在着形而上学的思想方法而不能解脱。所谓形而上学,就是否认事物的对立统一、对立斗争(两分法)、矛盾着对立着的事物在一定条件下互相转化走向它们的反面,这样一个真理;就是人们固步自封、骄傲自满,只见成绩,不见缺点,只愿听好话,不愿听批评话,自己不愿意批评(对自己的两分法),更怕别人批评。——《毛泽东文集(第八卷)》,1999:348

2. The Centre has more than once raised this problem to our comrades: a communist must have at his disposal the Marxist dialectical method of ‘splitting one into two’: achievements and shortcomings, truth and mistakes. All matters (economic, political, ideological, cultural, military, party, and etc.) are always in a process of development; this is common sense to a Marxist. However, many of our comrades in the Centre and regions do not use this method of thinking and working. There is a formal logic deeply planted in their minds which they cannot uproot. Formal logic denies the unification of the opposites of things, the contradiction of opposites (‘splitting one into two’), and under given conditions the transformation of one pair of opposites into another. Therefore, these comrades become complacent, conceited, observant of achievements only, blind to weaknesses, capable of hearing only favourable words but not criticisms, unwilling to criticize themselves (i.e. splitting into two), and afraid of other people’s criticism. -Quoted from The Centre’s Instruction On Learning From Each Other And Overcoming Complacency And Conceit . via: The Centre has more than once raised this problem to our comrades: a communist must have at his disposal the Marxist dialectical method of ‘splitting one into two’: achievements and shortcomings, truth and mistakes. All matters (economic, political, ideological, cultural, military, party, and etc.) are always in a process of development; this is common sense to a Marxist. However, many of our comrades in the Centre and regions do not use this method of thinking and working. There is a formal logic deeply planted in their minds which they cannot uproot. Formal logic denies the unification of the opposites of things, the contradiction of opposites (‘splitting one into two’), and under given conditions the transformation of one pair of opposites into another. Therefore, these comrades become complacent, conceited, observant of achievements only, blind to weaknesses, capable of hearing only favourable words but not criticisms, unwilling to criticize themselves (i.e. splitting into two), and afraid of other people’s criticism. -Quoted from The Centre’s Instruction On Learning From Each Other And Overcoming Complacency And Conceit . via: http://marxists.anu.edu.au/reference/archive/mao/selected-works/volume-9/mswv9_09.htm


例句 1:
The “dichotomy” in China’s policy towards Japan was derived from the tactics of building a united front in the period of China’s Anti - Japanese War; however, the “dichotomy” in a broad sense settled in the mid - 1950s is significantly different from that before in its connotation, aim and method.

例句 2:
Some cultural anthropologists hold that the current cultural development represents three trends: (a) cultural incorporation as a result of communication among different cultures, (b) the emergence of a global cultural system of heterogeneous components, and (c) the increase in cultural complication. These trends pose both challenge and question to the traditional cultural dichotomy.

例句 3:
In order to verify the validity of dichotomy method to convert CT numb





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