

字词 雅各宾派


the Jacobins


Lenin, V. I. Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 17) [M]. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977: 606.


雅各宾派是法国大革命时期参加雅各宾俱乐部的激进派政治团体。主要领导人有罗伯斯庇尔、丹东、马拉、圣茹斯特等。1789年常在雅各宾修道院集会,故名。开始时成分较复杂,1791年7月和1792年10月,立宪派和吉伦特派先后分裂出去,雅各宾派成为以罗伯斯庇尔为代表的激进的革命民主派。1793年6月2日雅各宾派推翻吉伦特派统治,取得政权。在内忧外患异常严重的形势下,雅各宾派政府实行恐怖统治,组织爱国力量,严厉打击国内外反革命势力,限制投机活动,规定物价的最高限额。雅各宾派的非常措施取得了很大的效果,至少是暂时稳定了政权。雅各宾派实行按人口分配的土地制度,使得农民成为革命战争以及拿破仑战争的重要兵源。1793年10月,两次打败奥军。12月,从英国占领者手中夺回南方重镇土伦。1794年6月,在弗勒吕斯同英、荷、奥、普联军大会战,给敌人以决定性打击。到7月,外国干涉军已全部被赶出国境。另外还平息了保王党的暴乱。形势出现好转以后,雅各宾派内部出现意见不一。丹东派在1793年秋冬主张放松恐怖统治,埃贝尔派则主张更严厉地推行恐怖政策。罗伯斯庇尔在1794年3~4月间先后镇压了两派领导人。7月27日的热月政变结束了雅各宾派政权。11月,热月党封闭了雅各宾俱乐部(via: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%9B%85%E5%90%84%E5%AE%BE%E6%B4%BE/4773184?fr=aladdin)。该派执政期间实行恐怖政策,将嫌疑的反革命者送上断头台,严格限制物价。该时期有数千人被残忍杀害。但是,雅各宾派执政也为法国历史作出了一些贡献,比如推广教育,提倡宗教自由,废除法国殖民地的奴隶制等。


via: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E9%9B%85%E5%90%84%E5%AE%BE%E6%B4%BE/4773184?fr=aladdin


1. 列宁称革命的社会民主党人为山岳派,即无产阶级的雅各宾派,而把俄国社会民主党内的机会主义派别称为社会民主党的吉伦特派。——《列宁全集(第二十卷)》,1989:461

1. Lenin called the opportunist trend in Social-Democracy the “socialist Gironde” and the revolutionary Social-Democrats “proletarian Jacobins”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 17), 1977: 606.

2. 不过问题的实质是,“狂热”的斗争所造成的结果一点也不狂热,而另一方却因为狂热而一再反对结果本身,反对不可避免的必然的结果。事情结果如何,您早就知道。您表示确信是一些“老头”在妨碍,这您是知道的,您当然也不会怀疑不幸的“三人小组”不是阴谋诡计,不是雅各宾派的革命,而是摆脱三年“痛苦”的直接的自然的和最好的(的确是最好的)出路。——《列宁全集(第四十四卷)》,1990:363

2. But the thing is that the results achieved by “frenzied” struggle are not frenzied at all, yet the other side in its fight against frenzy goes on fighting against the results themselves, against the inevitable and necessary results. But you have long been aware of the direction in which things were going. You know how you expressed your firm conviction of an obstacle due to certain “old men”, and you, of course, will not doubt that the ill-fated “trio” is not a dirty trick, not a Jacobin coup, but a straightforward, natural and the best, really and truly the best, way out from three years of “wrangling”. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 34), 1977: 168.


例句 1:
In the history of the French Revolution, the period (from the end of 1792 to July 1794) which the Jacobins hold the power was a special one. "The light of rationality" of Enlightenment thinkers ignited the French Revolution, which gets the "natural rights", "popular sovereignty" as the slogan, but there was the extreme alienation of the French Revolution, the "reign of terror" when the Jacobins hold the power.

例句 2:
In 1789, the French Revolution broke out. Before this event, Robespierre had been elected to the Estates General. As a provincial lawyer, he admired the power of the law. So at that time, he advocated the ideals of new laws to protect the rights of the common people and was a supporter of constitutional monarchy. However, when he took power with the Jacobin party in 1793, he enforced the horrible reign of Terror that shook the world, and the law was completel





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