

字词 阿尔比派




[1] Marx, K. & F. Engel. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 10) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1978: 413.
[2] Albigenses. via: http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/Albigenses


基督教卡塔尔派在法国的分支。因为此派的主要活动范围在法国的阿尔比,因此得名阿尔比派。阿尔比派流行于12到13世纪,其学说同摩尼教有着密切的关系,持物质和精神、恶和善的二元论(冯契等,2000:446)。阿尔比派认为世上有两个神——善神和恶神,善神创造灵魂,恶神创造肉身,肉身则束缚灵魂。该派认为基督不是上帝,而只是最优越的受造者,他的肉身并不具有实体;圣灵也是受造者,是众灵(包括天使和人的灵魂)的首领。他们反对天主教会的仪式和组织,不承认教会的权力,谴责教会聚敛财富,斥教皇为魔鬼,号召打倒天主教会和隐修院(任继愈,1998:7)。阿尔比派教徒分为全徒与一般教徒。全徒是完全教徒,必须遵循不嫁娶、不起誓、不当兵打仗、不营私产、不吃肉、不喝奶、不吃蛋等原则,而一般教徒则需受此限制(冯契等,2000:446)。由于该派影响的不断扩大,抵制这一异端教派成为当时教皇和教廷的重要任务。自1198年以后,教宗依诺森三世(Innocent III)多次派遣了一些熙笃会会士以“教宗的使者”(1egati)的身份去法国南部,力图消灭阿诺比派的影响,但这些使者没能改进情况。而伴随着两者矛的加深,1209年教皇英诺森三世发动了十字军讨伐,这就是“阿尔比战争”的开始。这一战争持续了很长时间,最终,巴黎的和平条约(1229年)结束了这个战争,此战使阿诺比派的力量被大大削弱,只有很小的清洁派团体能够继续存在,最终被后来的宗教裁判所镇压。而宗教裁判所的创立(1230年)也正是为了审判阿尔比派(毕尔麦等,2010:270)。


[1] 冯契,徐孝通.外国哲学大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,2000:446.
[2] 任继愈.宗教大辞典[Z].上海辞书出版社,1998.
[3] (德)毕尔麦等编.中世纪教会史[M].(奥)雷立柏译.宗教文化出版社,2010.


1. 这些异教的一部分是家长制的阿尔卑斯山牧民反对封建关系侵入他们生活中的一种反作用的表现(韦尔登派);一部分是从封建社会生长出来的城市反对封建主义的一种反对派的表现(阿尔比派,布里西亚的阿尔诺德等等);一部分是农民们直接暴动的表现(约翰博尔,皮卡尔第地方的匈牙利牧师等等)。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第七卷)》,1959:401

1. The heresies gave expression partly to the patriarchal Alpine shepherds’ reaction to the feudalism advancing upon them (Waldenses), partly to the, opposition of the towns that had outgrown feudalism (the Albigenses, Arnold of Brescia, etc.), and partly to direct peasant insurrections (John Ball and, among others, the Hungarian teacher in Picardy). -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 10), 1978: 413.

2. 代表这一派的主要人物,在意大利和德国有布里西亚的阿尔诺德,在法国南部有阿尔比派,在英国有约翰威克利夫,在波希米亚有胡斯和加里克斯廷派。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第七卷)》,1959:402

2. Arnold of Brescia in Italy and Germany, the Albigenses in Southern France, John Wycliffe in England, Hus and the Calixtines in Bohemia, were the principal exponents of this trend. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 10), 1978: 413.

3. 这种农民平民异教,在封建制度全盛时期,例如在阿尔比派中,还不易和市民异教分别开来,但在14和15世纪就发展成一种与市民异教鲜明不同的党派见解了。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第七卷)》,1959:404

3. At the time when feudalism was at its zenith there was little to choose between this peasant-plebeian heresy of the Albigenses, for example, and the burgher heresy, but in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries it developed into a clearly distinctive party opinion and usually occupied an independent place alongside the heresy of the burghers. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 10), 1978: 414.


例句 1:
In the two parts, the basic macro background includes political background, economical condition and the state of all classes of society, while the religion fanatics include the formation of the pilgrimage tradition, the outburst of the religion fanatics, the propel of the Albigensian Crusade, the stimulation of Spain Crisis and the climax of the Chartres Crisis.

例句 2:
From the end of the twelfth century to early thirteenth century, the European Christianity was threatened and challenged by heresy widely. In southern France, the Albigenses that built its religious theory systematically on dualism had become the strongest heresy.

例句 3:
Heterodox movement of Albgeness was an important event in the developing process of French feudal society.





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