

字词 道德修养


moral cultivation


Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping: The Governance of China [M]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 2014: 57.


道德修养是个人自觉修炼培养高尚品质与道德智慧,以求取德性人格之充实完美的实践活动(韩东屏,2015:88)。不同社会、时代和阶级的道德修养有不同的目标、途径、内容和方法。在中国传统道德文化中,有关道德修养的思考及论述源远流长。儒家的创始人孔子曾说,他最担忧的是“德之不修”,即不重视自己品德的修养,提出了“修己以敬、修己以安百姓”的理论,要求他的学生曾参每日“三省”自身。宋明时期的理学家们继承和发展了先秦以来儒家的道德修养理论,尤其在修养方法上强调“居敬穷理”和“省察克治”。中国历史上的道德修养理论同儒家的忠、孝等道德规范相结合,并经过统治阶级的大力宣传和推行,曾经对维护和巩固封建社会的经济政治制度发生过重要作用。在西方,从古希腊的赫拉克利特开始,就十分强调道德上的自我教育。他认为“与心作斗争是很难的”,并说“教养是有教养人的第一个太阳”。亚里士多德更是把教育和修养看作是人们能否具有美德的重要条件。中世纪的基督教神学家们则把道德修养理解为在上帝面前对自己的罪行所作的忏悔。马克思主义伦理学认为,道德修养对于纯洁人们的道德意识、形成人们的道德行为,进而达到理想的道德境界,具有重要意义。共产主义道德的一个基本任务,就是要使其原则和规范转化为人们的内心感情和信念,并付诸实践。道德修养是促使这种转化的最重要的道德活动(via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=vlkih4V-cske6bZEPaFX6Mdn2ZUmB9wxUoe4MmlsUJ_D0HCDCSJtcB23-rcXm9FyYRj2mndAIVTu3weF3n7lla)。


[1] 韩东屏.论道德修养[J].中州学刊,2015(10).
[2] via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=vlkih4V-cske6bZEPaFX6Mdn2ZUmB9wxUoe4MmlsUJ_D0HCDCSJtcB23-rcXm9FyYRj2mndAIVTu3weF3n7lla.


1. 要加强思想道德修养,自觉弘扬爱国主义、集体主义、社会主义思想,积极倡导社会公德 、职业道德、家庭美德。要牢记“从善如登,从恶如崩”的道理,始终保持积极的人生态度、良好的道德品质、健康的生活情趣。要倡导社会文明新风,带头学雷锋,积极参加志愿服务,主动承担社会责任,热诚关爱他人,多做扶贫济困、扶弱助残的实事好事,以实际行动促进社会进步。——《习近平谈治国理政》,2014:53

1. Young people must strengthen theoretical irnprovement and moral cultivation, take the initiative to carry forward patriotism, collectivism and socialism, and actively advocate social and professional ethics, and family virtues. Young people should bear in mind that “virtue uplifts,while vice debases”, and always be optimists and persons of integrity who have a healthy lifestyle. Young people should advocate new social trends, be the first in learning from Lei Feng, take an active part in voluntary work, shoulder social responsibilities, care for others, help the poor, the weak and the disabled, and do other good and practical deeds, so as to promote social progress with their actions. -Quoted from Xi Jinping: The Governance of China, 2014: 57.

2. 他常常想到自己的长处和别人的缺点,以证明自己的道德修养的增进;而每当他滔滔不绝地高谈仁义道德的时候,鲁道夫总是对他说:“我喜欢你这样的谈吐。”“刺客”成了一头非比寻常的、有道德的看家狗。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1957:210

2. As proof of his moral reformation he will often reflect on his own excellence and the wickedness of other individuals. And every time he throws out moral sentences, Rudolph will say to him: “I like to hear you speak like that.” Chourineur has not become an ordinary bulldog but a moral one. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1975: 164.

3. 第五个阶段。“刺客”在自己的道德修养方面已增强到这样一种程度,他甚至以文明的方式来领会他对鲁道夫的那种狗式的忠顺。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二卷)》,1957:211

3. 5th Stage. Chourineur has carried his moral education to such perfection that he gives his dog-like attitude to Rudolph a civilized form — he becomes conscious of it. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 4), 1975: 165.


例句 1:
As a famous Neo-confucianism educationist in the early-Ming, Wu Kangzhai’s theory of moral cultivation stands as a transitional one between traditional theory and Enlightening thought, by changing the inward-oriented direction of the traditional theory to the outward cultivation model which focusing on doing efforts on the mind. Actually this is the initial stage of the Enlightenment.

例句 2:
The introduction of the market-oriented economy and the promotion of the policy of reform and opening-up makes the value system and moral principles founded on the natural economy suffers unprecedented charge.

例句 3:
With the advancement of China’s modernization process, people gradually realized the from all walks of life should have good professional ethics accomplishment, only so can fully guarantee the accuracy of the industry activity runs and smoothly and continuously produce a industry a new image.





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