

字词 价值等价物


equivalent; value equivalent; equivalent for value


[1] Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut International Publishers, 2011: 25, 154. 
[2] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 29) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1987: 165.


价值等价物是用来充当另一种商品的价值表现材料的商品。在商品交换的价值关系中,充当价值等价物的商品,只表现为一定数量的使用价值,并不表现它自己的内在价值。但当它同另一种商品相交换时,就不再以单纯的使用价值姿态出现,而是作为价值体出现了,用自己的使用价值来表现同它相交换的商品的价值。充当等价物的商品之所以能够表现别种商品的价值,是因为它同与它相交换的商品具有同质的东西,即都是人类抽象劳动的凝结。充当等价物的商品是随着商品交换和商品生产的发展而变化的。在简单的价值形式中,一种商品偶然地表现另一种商品的价值是个别等价物,充当等价物的商品既不是一系列商品,也不只是一种商品,价值作为无差别的人类劳动的凝结这种性质还没有充分得到表现。在扩大的价值形式中,一种商品的价值已经不是偶然地表现在另一种商品上,而是经常表现在一系列其他商品上。但是由于充当等价物的商品是一个无穷无尽的序列,价值仍然无共同的统一的表现,没有一个大家公认的等价物。在一般的价值形式中,一切商品的价值都通过一种和它们分离的商品来表现,从而使价值作为无差别的人类劳动的凝结这种性质充分地表现出来,这种用来表现一切商品价值的商品,就是一般等价物(via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=AtDxlZ3P8WCptZuS8MhbU-vYVrDlVByVhkmhGrW4EqIkU5QsXxhG3UHFW5BQkbOmV0RFdiSxxECy0ZjgA9StVK)。随着商品交换的进一步扩大,一般等价物固定地由某一种商品来充当,一般等价形式就转化货币形式(杨立新,王竹,2008: 69)。


[1] via:http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=AtDxlZ3P8WCptZuS8MhbU-vYVrDlVByVhkmhGrW4EqIkU5QsXxhG3UHFW5BQkbOmV0RFdiSxxECy0ZjgA9StVK.
[2] 杨立新,王竹.论货币的权利客体属性及其法律规制[J].中州学刊,2008(4).


1. 在市场经济的现实中,居最上位的一定是这个客观抽象的“一”,即使一切联结起来的价值等价物一一货币(资本)。这就是今天哲学在全球化市场同一性铁的牢笼中的无处可逃性。一一《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:9-10

1. In the reality of market economy, the monarch is no doubt the abstract and objective “One”, the equivalent which relates everything: money (the capital). It is the inescapable situation of philosophy in the trap of identity derived from globalization of market. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 25.

2. 这也是那个头足倒置的跳舞的木头桌子所引出的故事:一个商品正是凭其可见的质料背后无法直接把捉到的神秘价值在市场上的实现而成就自身的,故而,这个看不见的价值关系一旦从价值等价物的实体化过渡为以符号面目出现的金钱,它就以一种空无的形式颠倒性地取代了实存的财富。一一《文本的深度耕犁:后马克思思潮哲学文本解读》,2007:105

2. This is also the story derived from that of the wooden table: a commodity realizes itself by the imperceptible value behind the perceptible material, so once the invisible value relationship transits itself from the reification of the value equivalent to sign in the form of money, it replaces the real wealth subversively in an empty form. -Quoted from A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek, 2011: 154.

3. “应当严格区分作为价值尺度的价格(即铸币)和作为价值等价物的价格。金属不能同样有效地执行这两者中的每一种职能...... 货币是观念的等分标准。如果有人问:一个部分的价值的标准应当是什么,我就用另一个问题来回答:度、分、秒的标准大小是什么?它们没有标准大小;但是,只要一个部分已经确定,依据标准的本质,其余的必定全都依比例确定下来。”——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六b卷)》,1980:305

3. “It is absolutely essential to distinguish between price (i.e. coin) considered as a measure and price considered as an equivalent for value. The metals do not discharge both functions equally well... Money is an ideal scale of equal parts. If it be demanded, what ought to be the standard of value of one part? I answer, by putting another question: What is the standard length of a degree, a minute, a second? It has none—but so soon as one part becomes determined, by the nature of a scale, all THE rest must follow in proportion”. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 29), 1987: 165.


例句 1:
The “exclusive right” of money is filled with halo, becomes the equivalent of the absolute expression form and all values, overflows with infinite energy and gets high, which causes the alienation of currency symbol and the emergence of fetishism of money and monetary illusion.

例句 2:
Marx pointed out that as an equivalent value, money actually was a kind of social forces, and it deeply reflected the interpersonal social relationship. Marx especially pointed out that money was the value form of the workers’ alienation labor.

例句 3:





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