

字词 资本主义的矛盾


contradiction of capitalism; contradictions of capitalism


[1] Zhang Yibing. A Deep Plough: Unscrambling Major Post-Marxist Texts From Adorno to Zizek [M]. Berlin: Canut Publishers, 2011: 424.
[2] 约翰·伊特韦尔.新帕尔格雷夫经济学大辞典(第一卷)[Z].经济科学出版社,1996:690.






1. 现在,我们已经知道了西斯蒙第在理论经济学方面所有最主要的论点。总结起来,我们看到,西斯蒙第处处都绝对忠于自己,他的观点始终是不变的。他在各方面不同于古典学派的,是他指出了资本主义的矛盾。这是一方面。另一方面,他不能(而且也不想)在任何一点上把古典学派的分析推进一步,因此只限于从小产者的观点出发,对资本主义进行感伤主义的批评。这种以感伤主义的申诉和抱怨来代替科学分析的做法,决定了他的见解是非常肤浅的。最新理论接受了资本主义存在着矛盾的观点,并对这些矛盾作了科学的分析,在各方面都得出了和西斯蒙第根本不同的结论,因而得出了和他截然相反的对资本主义的看法。——《列宁全集(第二卷)》,1984:167-168

1. We are now familiar with all of Sismondi’s main propositions relating to economic theory. Summing up, we see that, everywhere, Sismondi remains absolutely true to himself, that his point of view remains unchanged. On the one hand, on all points he differs from the classical economists in that he indicates the contradictions of capitalism. On the other hand, on no point is he able (or willing) to extend the analysis of the classical economists, and therefore confines himself to a sentimental criticism of capitalism from the viewpoint of the petty bourgeois. This substitution of sentimental complaints and lamentations for a scientific analysis results in his conception being extremely superficial. Modern theory accepted his references to the contradictions of capitalism, subjected them to a scientific analysis, and on all points reached conclusions which radically differ from Sismondi’s, and for that reason lead to a diametrically opposite point of view concerning capitalism. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2), 1972: 199.

2. 最后,至于说到艾弗鲁西,那么,他无论在哪一点上都没有给西斯蒙第作出正确的评价。艾弗鲁西指出,西斯蒙第强调并斥责了资本主义的矛盾,但是他完全不了解西斯蒙第的理论和科学唯物主义的理论有很大的区别,不了解在对资本主义的看法上浪漫主义的观点和科学的观点是截然相反的。民粹主义者对浪漫主义者的同情,他们的令人感动的一致,妨碍了《俄国财富》文章的作者对这位经济学中的浪漫主义的古典作家作出正确的评价。——《列宁全集(第二卷)》,1984:169

2. And lastly, as regards Ephrucy, on no point has he givena correct appraisal of Sismondi. Pointing to Sismondi’s emphasis on, and condemnation of, the contradictions of capitalism, Ephrucy was quite unable to understand either the sharp difference between his theory and the theory of scientific materialism, or that the romanticist and scientific points of view on capitalism are diametrically opposite. The fellow feeling of the Narodnik for the romanticist, their touching unanimity, prevented the author of the essays in Russkoye Bogatstvo from correctly characterizing this classical representative of romanticism in economic science. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2), 1972: 201.

3. 西斯蒙第说:“在政治经济学中,人们把我当作社会进步的敌人,当作野蛮的和强制性的制度的倡议者。这是不对的,我并不想要已经有过的东西,但是我想要一种比现时的东西更好的东西。我不能用别的方法来判断现在,只能把它和过去比较,当我用废墟来证明社会的永恒的需要时,我决不想恢复废墟。”(第2卷第433页)浪漫主义者的愿望是非常好的(民粹派的愿望也是如此)。由于他们意识到资本主义的矛盾,他们比那些否认这些矛盾的盲目乐观主义者高明。西斯蒙第被看作反动者,完全不是由于他想回到中世纪去,是由于他在自己的实际愿望中把“现在和过去比较”而不把现在和将来比较,由于他不用最新发展的趋势而用“废墟”来“证明社会的永恒的需要”。这就是艾弗鲁西不能理解的西斯蒙第的小资产阶级观点,这种观点使他与其他一些和他同时或在他以后也证明了“社会的永恒的需要”的作家截然不同。——《列宁全集(第二卷)》,1984:209-210

3. “I have been accused,” says Sismondi, “of being an enemy of social progress in political economy, a partisan of barbarous and coercive institutions. No, I do not want what has already been, but I want something better than the present. I cannot judge the present otherwise than by comparing it with the past, but I am far from wishing to restore the old ruins when I refer to them in order to demonstrate the eternal needs of society” (II, 433). The wishes of the romanticists are very good (as are those of the Narodniks). Their recognition of the contradictions of capitalism places them above the blind optimists who deny the existence of these contradictions. And it is not because he wanted to return to the Middle Ages that he was regarded as a reactionary, but because, in his practical proposals, he “compared the present with the past” and not with the future; because he “demonstrated the eternal needs of society” by referring to “ruins” and not by referring to the trends of modern development; It was this petty-bourgeois viewpoint of Sismondi’s which sharply distinguishes him from the other authors, who also demonstrated, in his time and after, the “eternal needs of society,” that Ephrucy failed to understand. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 2), 1972: 242-243.


例句 1:
Environmental problems have become the key of all sorts of capitalism contradictions. With pressure of the environmental and ecological problems, the capitalism is attempting to construct an ecological capitalism, namely the Eco-Capitalism, in order to reconcile with the natural environment.

例句 2:
Carl Marx believes that the emergence and development of capitalism is the interaction of the development of social productive forces and capital chasing profits; in this process, human alienation is inevitable. The contradictions between capitalist private owner-ship and the socialization of production is the fundamental contradiction of capitalist society itself.

例句 3:
Taking the basic contradiction of capitalism as a clue is a fundamental method for the founders of Marxism to study capitalism and reveal the historical destiny of capitalism.





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