

字词 象征化


to symbolise


Marx, K. & F. Engel. Marx & Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1998: 529.




[1] 车文博.心理咨询大百科全书[M].杭浙江科学技术出版社,2001.
[2] 王逢振.意识与批评现象学、阐释学和文学的意思[M].漓江出版社,1988.


1. 威尔逊问查普曼(第5131号),是不是在这种进口原料和殖民地商品起运的同时,已经凭这些货物对英国开出汇票?是不是这种汇票会和提单同时寄到?查普曼相信是这样,但是他对这种“商人的”业务一无所知,建议我们去问内行的人。——查普曼说,在对美国的出口上,“商品在过境时被象征化了”[第5133号];这种胡言乱语的意思应当是说,英国出口商人凭他的商品向伦敦的一家美国大银行开出以四个月为期的汇票,这家银行则从美国得到补偿。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十五卷)下》,1974:604

1. Wilson inquires of Chapman (5131), whether bills of exchange on England are not drawn simultaneously with the loading of these imported raw materials and colonial goods and whether these bills of exchange do not arrive simultaneously with the bills of lading. Chapman believes so, but does not profess to know anything about such “commercial” transactions and suggests that experts in this field be questioned.—In exporting to America, remarks Chapman, “the goods are symbolised in transitu"; this gibberish is supposed to mean that the English export merchant draws against his commodities bills of exchange with a four-month term on one of the big American banking houses in London and this firm receives collateral from America. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 37), 1998: 529-530.

2. 为了对产品进行单纯的比较——对产品估价——,为了在观念上决定产品的价值,只要在头脑中进行这种形态变化就够了(在这种形态变化中,产品单纯作为量的生产关系的表现而存在)。在对商品进行比较时,这种抽象就够了;而在实际交换中,这种抽象又必须物化,象征化,通过某个符号而实现。这是由于:(1)正如我们已经说过,两个待交换的商品,是在头脑中转化为共同的量的比例即交换价值,从而互相进行估价。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十六卷)上》,1979:88

2. For mere comparison, for the valuation of products, for the notional determination of their value, it is enough to make this transformation in the head (a transformation in which the product exists simply as the expression of quantitative relationships of production). For the comparison of commodities, this abstraction is sufficient; for actual exchange, this abstraction must again be objectified, symbolised, realised through a token. The necessity arises as follows: (1) As we have already said, the commodities to be exchanged are both transformed in the head into common ratios of magnitudes, exchange values, and so valued against each other. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 28), 1986: 81.

3. 从理论上看,价值的这种商品等价作用,“在纸上,在头脑中,这种形态变化是通过纯粹的抽象进行的;但是,在实际的交换中,必须有一种实际的媒介,一种手段,来实现这种抽象”。一般而言,价值是一种抽象,“在对商品进行比较时,这种抽象就够了;而在实际交换中,这种抽象就必须物化,象征化,通过某个符号而实现”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:557

3. Theoretically speaking, value, this equivalence effect of commodities, “On paper, in the head, this metamorphosis proceeds by means of mere abstraction; but in the real exchange process a real mediation is required, a means to accomplish this abstraction.” Generally speaking, value is an abstraction, “This abstraction will do for comparing commodities; but in actual exchange this abstraction in turn must be objectified, must be symbolized, realized in a symbol.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 441.


例句 1:
Religion and art has the relation of amalgamation from each other. The basic characteristic of the main factors of religion (religious concept, emotion, behavior and ceremony activity) is symbolization. Symbolization is perception, concretion and visualization, namely art. The main factors of religion inevitably adopt symbolized art to express themselves, at the same time, they must affect on art, form and encourage the accompanying relation between religion and art.

例句 2:
At the same time, the strength of “Typical Reporting” is a symbol of connection which profoundly illustrates the “cooperation” between the government and the media, something that seems to be peaceful but unusual.

例句 3:
Therefore, the first chapter is about the space signs and symbol in religious culture. In the construction process of space, religious cultures represent its thought and doctri





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