

字词 “共同但有区别的责任”原则


the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”


[1] China’s Position Paper on the 70th Anniversary of the UN. via:
[2] Work Together to Build a Win-Win, Equitable and Balanced Governance Mechanism on Climate Change, 2015. via:




[1] 共同但有区别的责任.via:http://news.cnr.cn/special/21qhdh/bk/20151124/t20151124_520582943.shtml
[2] 李阳春.论“共同但有区别的责任”原则[D].外交学院,2010.


1. 中方愿与有关各方一道,按照“共同但有区别的责任”原则、公平原则、各自能力原则,共同推动巴黎气候变化会议如期达成新协议,建立公平合理、合作共赢的全球气候治理体制。——《中国关于联合国成立70周年的立场文件》,2015

1. China is ready to work with other parties to reach a new agreement in Paris based on the principles of “common but differentiated responsibilities”, equity and respective capabilities, and put in place a fair, equitable, cooperative and win-win global climate governance system. -Quoted from China’s Position Paper on the 70th Anniversary of the UN, 2015.

2. 应做好2015年后发展议程后续落实工作,坚持“共同但有区别的责任”原则,尊重各自国情、发展模式和发展道路,共同致力于消除极端贫困,推动经济、社会、环境协调发展,缩小南北差距,实现共同繁荣与发展。——《中国关于联合国成立70周年的立场文件》,2015

2. We need to ensure sound follow-up implementation of the post-2015 development agenda, uphold the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities”, respect each other’s national conditions and development model and path, work together to eliminate extreme poverty, advance coordinated development of the economy, society and environment, narrow the North-South gap, and achieve common prosperity and development. -Quoted from China’s Position Paper on the 70th Anniversary of the UN, 2015.

3. 发达国家和发展中国家的历史责任、发展阶段、应对能力都不同,共同但有区别的责任原则不仅没有过时,而且应该得到遵守。——《携手构建合作共赢、公平合理的气候变化治理机制》,2015

3. Given the difference between developed and developing countries in historical responsibility, developing stage and coping capability, the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, instead of being obsolete, must continue to be adhered to. -Quoted from Work Together to Build a Win-Win, Equitable and Balanced Governance Mechanism on Climate Change, 2015.


例句 1:
In order to achieve carbon emission reduction targets in China, a scheme of sharing carbon emission reduction responsibility between Chinese provinces is needed. According to the 'common but differentiated' rule, the distribution of carbon emission reduction responsibility is analyzed economically as a common cost sharing problem and relates to fairness and efficiency.

例句 2:
As a large developing country in China, "the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities, although the bear is not mandatory emission reduction responsibility, but the future economic and social development will face increasing environmental pressure.

例句 3:
Based on common but differentiated responsibility, the pressure of the greatest energy and green- house reductions from the international level for China is increased day by day.





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