

字词 自由贸易


free trade


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 123.






1. 其实,客观地说,李斯特的经济学还是有他的独特之处的,这就是李斯特站在德国资产阶级的立场上,以一种维护本国私有者利益的“国家经济学”来对抗古典经济学的所谓“世界主义经济学”。李斯特批评了从魁奈开始并由斯密和萨伊所坚持的普遍自由贸易观点的虚假性,他抓住了经济发展的特殊性,即一个国家的生产力发展水平不同,也就不可能在国与国之间真正发生“放任的”自由贸易与交换。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:168-169

1. Actually, List’s views on economics were unique in several ways, namely in that he upheld the position of the German bourgeoisie, promoting the interests of German private owners through “national economics” in opposition to the so-called “global economics” of classical economics. List criticized the falsity of the concept of universal free trade as promoted by economists from Quesnay to Smith and Ricardo. He comprehended the particularity of economic development, namely that because different countries developed productive forces to different degrees, there could not exist the free trade and exchange of a veritable “laissez-faire” economy on the international scene. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 123.

2. 持续了7年的新经济政策是从1921年3月开始的,当时用一定份额的实物税取代了余粮征收制,使农民能保留其一定数量的剩余产品。这又导致取消自由贸易的限制和恢复工农业之间的市场关系。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:120

2. The NEP, which was to last seven years, began in March 1921 when the requisitioning system was replaced by a tax in kind which enabled the peasants to keep a fixed share of their surplus. This in turn led to the abolition of restrictions on free trade and the restoration of market relations between agriculture and industry. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 128-129.

3. 二是同时反对英法经济学家所主张的虚假的世界性的自由贸易,这是因为,面对发达的英法资产阶级社会,德国自然处于自由竞争中的劣势,所以他又主张对外实行国家关税保护主义,建立全德的关税同盟。由此,他也成了贸易保护主义学说的理论鼻祖。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:294

3. The second kind of reform that List advocated was List’s opposition to the false cosmopolitical free trade promoted by English and French economists. His opposition came because when faced with the advanced bourgeois society of England and France, Germany was naturally at a competitive disadvantage. Thus List advocated a protectionist policy of high national tariffs and the establishment of a tariff union encompassing all of Germany. This is what led List to become the theoretical ancestor of the theory of trade protectionism. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 224.


例句 1:
By linking free trade agreements with multilateral environmental agreements, the U.S. has gradually formed a paradigm for environmental provisions that are in line with U.S. interests and strengthen its discourse right in the field of international environment.

例句 2:
Based upon the precondition of the maintenance of its economic hegemony, America initiated the founding of the Multilateral Free Trade System with the advocating of free trade as its key motif after World War II

例句 3:
What was more important was that although Lenin tried to place the exchange between after-tax grain and industrial production under the framework of practical commodity exchange, which was supposed to be organized by cooperatives and priced by the state, he adhered to the basic theory of Marxism that organized commodity exchange and free trade must be examined in practice.





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