

字词 抗日根据地


resistance base; anti-Japanese base area


[1] 中央文献重要术语译文发布(2015年第五期).via:
[2] Deng Xiaoping: Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 1) [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1995: 34.




[1] 抗日根据地.via:http://baike.baidu.com/item/%E6%8A%97%E6%97%A5%E6%A0%B9%E6%8D%AE%E5%9C%B0) 
[2] 李金铮.抗日根据地社会史研究的构想[J].抗日战争研究,1996(1).


1. 日本帝国主义和汉奸亲日派的政治目的是要把中国变为日本帝国主义的殖民地,其文化工作方针是施行奴化政策,以奴化活动和奴化教育来腐蚀我们的民族意识,消灭民族爱国思想,摧残民族气节。他们毁灭中国的文化机关,焚毁中国的民族典籍,屠杀与监禁爱国的文化人、知识分子和青年学生,建立汉奸文化机关,豢养一批汉奸文人,鼓吹东洋文化,灌输“中日亲善”、“共存共荣”、“东亚新秩序”等奴化思想,培养奴化人才。他们提倡旧文化、旧道德、旧制度,提倡复古、迷信、盲从、落后,组织封建迷信团体等,以实施其诲淫诲盗、毒化奴化政策。他们还制造谣诼流言,散布失败情绪,推行怀柔政策,破坏我抗战法令,妄图摧毁我抗日根据地。——《邓小平文选(第一卷)》,1994:22-23

1. The political aim of the Japanese imperialists, Chinese collaborators and pro-Japanese elements is to turn China into a Japanese imperialists’ colony. In their cultural work they are pursuing a policy of enslavement, trying to extinguish our national consciousness, patriotism and integrity by enslaving us through education and other activities. They are destroying China’s cultural institutions, burning Chinese books and records, killing or imprisoning patriotic men of letters, intellectuals, students and youths, establishing cultural institutions of Chinese collaborators, grooming men of letters among them, preaching Japanese culture, instilling the Chinese people with ideas of “Sino-Japanese goodwill”, “coexistence and co-prosperity” and “a new order in East Asia”, and training the Chinese to be a slavish people. They advocate outdated culture, ethics and social systems, encourage people to restore the ancient ways, and to be superstitious, blindly obedient, and backward, and establish feudal and superstitious organizations to aid in their sinister policies of enslaving the people and poisoning their minds. They are also creating and spreading rumors, inducing defeatist sentiments, pursuing a policy of mollification and denouncing our anti-Japanese laws and orders, in an attempt to destroy our anti-Japanese base areas. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1995: 34.

2. 第一阶段,敌人前进,实行正面进攻,在华北兵力较少,经验缺乏,更对我党我军估计不足,给了我们从对敌斗争中创立抗日根据地以非常优良的条件。此期我们充分利用了敌人的弱点,打开了局面。当华北中央大军南撤的时候,我党我军即提出了“坚持华北抗战,八路军与华北人民共存亡”的基本口号,确定了坚持敌后斗争的基本方针。这一阶段的对敌斗争,是环绕在打开局面,创造根据地与求得大发展的任务之上。——《邓小平文选(第一卷)》,1994:33

2. In the first stage the advancing enemy troops mounted frontal attacks, but they were short of armed strength in north China, lacked experience and underestimated the strength of our Party and our army, thus providing us with very good conditions for establishing anti-Japanese base areas in the course of the struggle. During that period we took full advantage of the enemy’s weaknesses and opened up new opportunities. At a time when the troops of the Central Army were withdrawing from north China to the south, our Party and army put forward the basic slogan, “Persist in armed resistance in north China and the Eighth Route Army will fight together with the people of north China to the death”, and adopted the fundamental policy of persisting in the struggle behind enemy lines. The struggle against the enemy at that stage centred around opening up new opportunities, establishing base areas and expanding such areas. This was conducted in our area in the following manner. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1995: 43.

3. 在政治上,根据地日趋巩固。一九三九年我党我军仍有相当发展,群众有相当发动,抗日政权初具规模。而一九四○年夏冀南、太行、太岳行政联合办事处的成立,在统一本战略区强化根据地建设上,特别在对敌斗争上,有其重大的政治意义。这一阶段,我们几乎有一半时间处在寇奸夹击的困难局面当中,一方面顽固派进行蛮横的破坏抗日根据地的斗争,另一方面敌人则抓住机会挑拨国共关系,积极配合顽固派向我们进攻。一九三九年冀南、太行、太岳处在非常严重的局面。直至一九四○年初,由于我党政策的正确,北方局和朱德、彭德怀英明的直接领导,人民的拥护,以及军事斗争的胜利,才打开了局面,既巩固了根据地,又巩固了国内的团结,打击了敌人挑拨离间的阴谋诡计。——《邓小平文选(第一卷)》,1994:36

3. Politically, the base areas were becoming increasingly consolidated. In 1939 our Party and army grew to a considerable extent, a large number of people were mobilized and an anti-Japanese regime began to take shape. The establishment of the Joint Administrative Agency of the Southern Hebei, Taihang and Taiyue Areas in the summer of 1940 was of major political significance in unifying efforts to strengthen base areas in our strategic zone, and especially so in our struggle against the enemy. For nearly half the time during that stage we were being attacked by the Japanese aggressors and Chinese collaborators simultaneously. On the one hand, the diehards made outrageous attempts to sabotage the anti-Japanese base areas and, on the other, the enemy tried to seize every opportunity to sow discord between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party in close co-ordination with the diehards’ attack on us. In 1939 southern Hebei, Taihang and Taiyue were in a very grave situation. It was not until the beginning of 1940 that the correct policy of our Party, the wise and direct leadership of the Northern Bureau of the Central Committee, Zhu De and Peng Dehuai, the support of the people and military victories brought about a change in the situation, consolidating the base areas, cementing domestic unity, and foiling the enemy’s schemes and intrigues for sowing discord. -Quoted from Selected Works of Deng Xiaoping (Vol. 3), 1995: 45.


例句 1:
The Anti-Japanese united front policy is CPC’s basic policy in War of Resistance Against Japan, which was widely put into practice in every CPC’s Anti-Japanese Base Areas.

例句 2:
抗日战争时期, 由于战争、灾荒等原因, 抗日根据地的弱势群体问题非常严重。——“论抗日根据地的弱势群体及其社会救助”,载于《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2008年第2期
During the anti-Japanese war , the weak in the base are faced with severe difficulties caused by the war and natural disaster. 

例句 3:
The anti-Japan bases stand firmly and developed continuously under the hard conditions with frequent attacks and crazy destructions from enemies, which can be regarded as a miracle, hardworking and honesty of the government in anti-Japan bases are two key factors of the miracle.

例句 4:
The Party paid attention to arouse the rural youth and women from the needs of the Anti-Japanese War and the overall situation, and gave them revolutionary education, which promoted more rural people to unite to the party.





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