

字词 抗日战争


the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression; the War of Resistance Against Japan


[1]  中央文献重要术语译文发布(2015年第四期).via: http://www.cctb.net/bygz/zywxsy/201507/t20150720_325517.htm
[2] Mao Tse-tung. Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2). [C]. Peking: Foreign Languages Press, 1965: 441.


抗日战争一般是指1937年7月7日到1945年8月15日(日本政府正式宣布向盟军投降,同日下令所有日本军队停止一切作战行为)期间,中国人民抗击日本帝国主义侵略的伟大的民族解放战争。抗日战争是第二次世界大战中反法西斯战争的重要组成部分。国际上一般将这场战争称作“第二次中日战争”,中国一般称其为抗日战争,战争时间约为八年,故亦被称为八年抗战,或简称抗战(抗日战争.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v1924138.htm?fromTitle=%E6%8A%97%E6%97%A5%E6%88%98%E4%BA%89)。1937年7月7日,日本军队发动芦沟桥事变,中国军队奋起还击,揭开了全国范围的全民族的抗日战争的序幕。7月8日中共中央号召全国军民团结抗日,8月14日国民党政府发表自卫宣言,9月22日国民党中央通讯社发表了7月15日《中国共产党为公布国共合作宣言》,23日蒋介石发表关于国共合作的谈话,国共合作正式建立,抗日民族统一战线正式形成。中共领导下的工农红军改编为国民革命军第八路军(后来称第十八集团军)和新编第四军,开赴敌后进行抗日游击战争。1937年7月至1938年10月,是中国抗日战争的防御阶段。日本军队妄图在短期内占领中国,力求速战速决。国民党军队在正面战场组织了淞沪会战等一些保卫战,迟滞了日军进攻的速度,但大片国土仍陷于敌手。八路军、新四军深入敌后,开展游击战争,创建了晋察冀等十几个抗日根据地,东北抗日联军的抗日斗争也迅速发展。1938年10月日军攻下武汉、广州,抗日战争进入相持阶段。日本对国民党政府采取了政治诱降为主,军事打击为辅的方针,逐渐把兵力主要放在进攻八路军、新四军、游击队及抗日根据地。蒋介石为首的国民党也采取了消极抗日、积极反共的方针。从1939年至1943年先后发动3次反共高潮,共产党本着以斗争求团结的方针,打退了国民党的进攻。并粉碎了日军的“扫荡”、“清乡”、“蚕食”,巩固扩大了抗日根据地。1945年8月8日,苏联对日宣战,并出兵中国东北,9日毛泽东发表了《对日寇的最后一战》的声明,人民军队向日伪军展开战略反攻。8月15日日本宣布无条件投降。9月2日,日本正式举行了投降的签字仪式,9月3日成为中国抗日战争胜利的纪念日,9月9日中国战区日本投降签字仪式在南京举行。在八年抗战中,日军伤亡、被俘人员达252万,中国人民伤亡达1800余万人,军队伤亡近400万人。抗日战争是中国近现代史上最伟大的民族解放战争,它的胜利极大地推进了中国新民主主义革命的历史进程(高狄,1991:2579—2580)。中国人民抗日战争,是中华民族历史上最伟大的卫国战争,是中国人民反抗日本帝国主义侵略的正义战争,是世界反法西斯战争的重要组成部分(抗日战争.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=xiPx06xwae23kNKi1EZbmbh6zGAF0xh47yb-t7Pc6REHh8q01Qt7tDkFpQW1cIiPbDJYuocDn6yhk8SfdVybcog5KkNVcoZH60Bg2Qy7VQu)。


[1] 高狄.毛泽东周恩来刘少奇朱德邓小平陈云著作大辞典•下卷[Z].辽宁人民出版社,1991.第2579-2580页.
[2] 抗日战争.via: http://baike.sogou.com/v1924138.htm?fromTitle=%E6%8A%97%E6%97%A5%E6%88%98%E4%BA%89
[3] 抗日战争.via: http://baike.baidu.com/link?url=xiPx06xwae23kNKi1EZbmbh6zGAF0xh47yb-t7Pc6REHh8q01Qt7tDkFpQW1cIiPbDJYuocDn6yhk8SfdVybcog5KkNVcoZH60Bg2Qy7VQu


1. 在目前反共高潮的形势下,我们的政策有决定的意义。但是我们的干部,还有许多人不明白党在目前时期的政策应当和土地革命时期的政策有重大的区别。必须明白,在整个抗日战争时期,无论在何种情况下,我党的抗日民族统一战线的政策是绝不会变更的。过去十年土地革命时期的许多政策,现在不应当再简单地引用。——《毛泽东选集(第二卷)》,1991:762.

1. In the present high tide of anti-Communist attacks, the policy we adopt is of decisive importance. But many of our cadres fail to realize that the Party’s present policy must be very different from its policy during the Agrarian Revolution. It has to be understood that in no circumstances will the Party change its united front policy for the entire period of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and that many of the policies adopted during the ten years of the Agrarian Revolution cannot just be duplicated today. -Quoted from Selected Works of Mao Tse-tung (Vol. 2), 1965: 441.

2. 后来,这些战术被南斯拉夫铁托的敌后游击队、被阿尔及利亚的民族解放阵线,以及在古巴革命期间——当然,还有在印度支那——都被成功地予以运用。对这些战术作出印象至深阐明的是毛泽东的《论持久战》,这部著作以非凡的预见性勾画了抗日战争的整体发展进程。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2008:220

2. These tactics were later applied successfully by Tito's partisans in Yugoslavia, by the FLN in Algeria, during the Cuban revolution, and, of course, in Indo-China. Their most impressive vindication is Mao’s On Protracted War, which outlined the course of the war against Japan with extraordinary foresight. Mao began by warning against either the hope of a quick victory or belief in inevitable defeat. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 229.

3. 加强同发展中国家团结合作,维护共同利益。积极参与国际多边事务,推动国际体系和秩序朝着更加公正合理方向发展。办好纪念中国人民抗日战争暨世界反法西斯战争胜利70周年相关活动,同国际社会共同维护二战胜利成果和国际公平正义。我们愿与世界各国携手并肩,维护更加持久的和平,建设更加繁荣的世界。——《 2015年政府工作报告》,2015

3. We will work to strengthen unity and cooperation with other developing countries and protect our common interests. We will actively participate in international and multilateral affairs and work to make both the international system and the international order more just and equitable. We will host events to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory in the world’s war against fascism and in the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, and work together with other members of the international community to uphold the victory of World War II and international justice. China is willing to work hand in hand with all other countries to sustain enduring peace and build a more prosperous world. -Quoted from Report on the Work of Government, 2015, 2015.


例句 1:
The people’s mediation system in Anti Japanese War provided the experience for the harmonious development of the society and provides the “native resources” for the constuction of multipartite mediation mechanism.

例句 2:
The third part is the final part, which is a conclusion of the thesis as well as the enlightenment of the reality. Through a comprehensive arrangement of the political work of the people’s army during the War of Resistance against Japan, it is pointed out that the way of success.

例句 3:
The year of 2015 is the 70th anniversary of the world anti-fascist war and the Chinese People’s Anti-Japanese War. In this war,the Soviet-German front in Europe and the Chinese battlefield in Asia undoubtedly bear the primary task against German fascism and Japanese militarism aggression. The Soviet and Chinese people paid a huge sacrifice and constituted the chief cornerstone for





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