

字词 绝对真理与相对真理


absolute truth and relative truth






[1] 李秀林.辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义原理(第四版)[M].中国人民大学出版社,1995.
[2] 贺晴.绝对真理与相对真理的内涵及其相互关系再探[J].延安教育学院学报,2006(04).


1. 为了向前推进唯物主义,必须停止对“永恒真理”这个字眼的庸俗的玩弄,必须善于辩证地提出和解决绝对真理和相对真理的关系问题。正是由于这个缘故,30 年前在杜林和恩格斯之间展开了斗争。而波格丹诺夫却假装“没有看到”恩格斯在同一章中对绝对真理和相对真理的问题所作的说明,波格丹诺夫由于恩格斯承认了对一切唯物主义来说都是最起码的论点,就想尽办法非难恩格斯搞“折中主义”。他这样做,只是再一次暴露了他无论对唯物主义还是对辩证法都绝对无知。——《列宁全集(第十八卷)》,1988:92

1. If we want to advance materialism, we must drop this trivial play with the words “eternal truth”; we must learn to put, and answer, the question of the relation between absolute and relative truth dialectically. It was on this issue that the fight between Dühring and Engels was waged thirty years ago. And Bogdanov, who has contrived “not to notice” Engels’ explanation of the problem of absolute and relative truth given in this very same chapter, and who has contrived to accuse Engels of “eclecticism” for his admission of a proposition which is a truism for all forms of materialism, only betrays once again his utter ignorance of both materialism and dialectics. -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 133.

2. 从恩格斯和狄慈根的所有这些言论中可以清楚地看出:在辩证唯物主义看来,相对真理和绝对真理之间没有不可逾越的鸿沟。波格丹诺夫完全不懂得这点,他竟然说出了这样的话:“它〈旧唯物主义的世界观〉希望成为对于事物本质的绝对客观的认识〈黑体是波格丹诺夫用的〉,因而同任何意识形态的历史条件的制约性不能相容。”(《经验一元论》第3卷第IV页)——《列宁全集(第十八卷)》,1988:96

2. From all these statements by Engels and Dietzgen it is clearly seen that for dialectical materialism there is no impassable boundary between relative and absolute truth. Bogdanov entirely failed to grasp this if he could write: “It [the world outlook of the old materialism] sets itself up as the absolute objective knowledge of the essence of things [Bogdanov’s italics] and is incompatible with the historically conditional nature of all ideologies” (Empirio-monism, Bk. III, p. iv). -Quoted from Lenin Collected Works (Vol. 14), 1977: 136.


例句 1:
Marxist's scientific value of absolute truth and relative truth are analyzed. It is pointed out that golden mean which is different from eclecticism and not thinking about progress in essence. As an important part in Chinese traditional culture, the golden mean was produced adapt to the new environment. Therefore, it is still valuable to offer us more chance to virtue,politics and study.

例句 2:
From the angle of view on the relationships between practice and truth, between values and truth, as well as between absolute truth and relative truth, the thesis comprehensively expounds and proves the foundational differences between Marxism outlook on truth and instrumentalism outlook on truth.

例句 3:
The absolute truth and relative truth called in the proof in litigation are not equal to the absolute truth and relative truth in epistemology.





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