

字词 法国大革命


The Great French Revolution; The French Revolution


[1] Marx, K. & F. Engels. Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26) [M]. London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1990: 125.
[2] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 35.


 法国大革命是一次广泛而深刻的政治革命和社会革命,从巴黎人民攻占巴士底狱到热月政变,法国大革命经历了五年的历程,其势如暴风骤雨,迅猛异常。在三次起义中,人民群众都显示出伟大的力量,一再把革命从危机中挽救过来,并推动它进一步向前发展。法国大革命是世界近代史上规模最大,最彻底的资产阶级革命,它结束了法国一千多年的封建专制制度,摧毁了法国的封建专制制度,震撼了整个欧洲大陆的封建秩序,建立起资产阶级的政治统治,促进了资本主义经济的发展,传播了资本主义自由民主的进步思想。期间所颁布的《人权宣言》和拿破仑帝国时期颁布的《民法典》(后改名《拿破仑法典》)被称为新社会的出生证书。在世界历史上产生了深远的影响。这次革命也为此后的各国革命树立了榜样,因此具有世界意义。(法国大革命.via: http://baike.so.com/doc/5352032-5587490.html)。




1. 在我们看来,2月和3月只有在下述情况下才能具有真正革命的意义,那就是:它们不是长期革命运动的终点,相反地是长期革命运动的起点,在这个革命运动中,像在法国大革命时期一样,人民在自己的斗争过程中不断发展起来,各个政党越来越明显地自成一家,直到它们同各个大阶级即资产阶级、小资产阶级和无产阶级完全相吻合为止,而无产阶级则在一系列战斗中相继夺得各个阵地。所以,凡是民主派小资产阶级想用它惯用的词句—— 我们大家希望的东西都是一样的,一切分歧只是出于误会—— 来抹煞它与无产阶级的阶级对立的场合,我们也反对了民主派小资产阶级。而我们越是不让小资产阶级对我们无产阶级民主派发生误解,它对我们就越顺从,越好说话。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第二十一卷)》,1965:23

1. To us, February and March could have the significance of a real revolution only if they were not the conclusion but, on the contrary, the starting-points of a long revolutionary movement in which, as in the Great French Revolution, the people developed further through its own struggles and the parties became more and more sharply differentiated until they coincided entirely with the great classes, bourgeoisie, petty bourgeoisie and proletariat, and in which the separate positions were won one after another by the proletariat in a series of battles. Hence, we everywhere opposed the democratic petty bourgeoisie as well when it tried to gloss over its class antagonism to the proletariat with the favorite phrase: after all, we all want the same thing; all the differences rest on mere misunderstandings. But the less we allowed the petty bourgeoisie to misunderstand our proletarian democracy, the tamer and more amenable it became towards us. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 26), 1990: 125.

2. 1875年左右去世的若尔日·阿韦奈耳的著作《革命星期一》、《法兰西共和国报》上发表过的小品文集以及《阿那卡雪斯·克罗茨》,无疑是关于法国大革命的优秀著作。后面这本书结合克罗茨的生平,对到1794年热月政变为止的整个革命进程作了概述。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第三十六卷)》,1974:426

2. The best works on the great French Revolution are indubitably those of Georges Avenel who died round about 1875. Lundis révolutionnaires, a collection of feuilletons, which came out in the République Française; also, Anacharsis Cloots, this last a survey, forming part of the biography, of the course of the Revolution up till Thermidor 1794. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 47), 1995: 399.

3. 面对这一博大精深的哲学构架,以往我们较多地从黑格尔表述他自己的体系的成熟论著中提炼出宏大的思辨逻辑体系,可是恰恰忽略了这一话语体系的历史形成过程,即青年黑格尔早期十分深厚的文化历史研究(图宾根到耶拿时期),特别是当时黑格尔所面对的欧洲历史与生活的现实确证——主要是法国大革命与英国工业革命。通俗地说,就是马背上的拿破仑与绝对精神、斯密的“看不见的手”与“理性的狡计”的内在关联。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:64

3. With regard to this incredibly broad and profound philosophical framework, in the past we tended to focus on the mature works of Hegel, those in which he clarifies his philosophical system, in order to forge a broad speculative logic system. However, in so doing we ignored the historical, formative process of this discourse system; namely, the profound cultural and historical research carried out by young Hegel (between the Tubingen and Jena periods), and especially his study of European history and life, centered on the French Revolution and the Industrial Revolution in England. Simply put, he sought for the internal relation between Napoleon on horseback and the Absolute Spirit, as well as Smith’s “invisible hand” and “the cunning of Reason. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 35.


例句 1:
At first, the Revolution smashed the yoke of feudalism on peasantry, and a large number of peasants obtained land ownership. However, the Revolution strengthened the small-scale peasantry ideology instead of changing it. As a result, the political tropism of the peasantry was inclined to conservatism after the Revolutionary.

例句 2:
The French Revolution and the American Revolution are important historical events in the process of human civilization, to the French Revolution and the American Revolution is more basic, Ahrendt had a conversation with Marx. 

例句 3:
In the study about the state of post-revolution France, Karl Marx recognized that the capitalist state would likely be an independent and conservative force. This was the consequence of the capitalists’ philistine politics.





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