

字词 正常利润


normal profits




西方经济学一般把利润分为两种:正常利润和超额利润。正常利润是“企业家才能”这种生产要素的报酬,或称为“管理的报酬”,它包括在成本之中。(何盛铭.via: http://kns.cnki.net/kns/brief/Default_Result.aspx?code=CRPD&kw=%e6%94%b6%e5%85%a5%e5%86%8d%e5%88%86%e9%85%8d&korder=0&sel=1&xkcode=*)正常利润的决定类似于工资决定,它是由企业家才能这种生产要素的供给和需求决定的。企业家才能是指企业家在一个厂商中发现市场机会,并安排生产要素进行生产以获利的才能。由于企业对于企业家才能这种要素的需求水平较高,而这种特殊才能的供给缺乏弹性,因此,其价格或正常利润水平高于一般工资水平。(正常利润.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E6%AD%A3%E5%B8%B8%E5%88%A9%E6%B6%A6)西方经济学认为 “企业家才能”的成本很高,因此,正常利润远远高于一般工人的工资是一种完全正常的现象。就长期而言,正常利润是必然存在的,因为企业家得不到正常利润,他就会退出生产过程,生产也就无法继续进行下去。(何盛铭.via: http://kns.cnki.net/kns/brief/Default_Result.aspx?code=CRPD&kw=%e6%94%b6%e5%85%a5%e5%86%8d%e5%88%86%e9%85%8d&korder=0&sel=1&xkcode=*)因此,正常利润是企业能够维持经营的最低限度的利润。在西方微观经济学中,正常利润是作为投入资本的机会成本。这样,按照利润的定义(收入超过成本的余额),正常利润就不算做利润。西方经济学中所指的“利润”,通常是指超额利润。(胡代光,1996:49)


[1] 何盛铭.财经大辞典(上卷)[Z]. via: http://kns.cnki.net/kns/brief/Default_Result.aspx?code=CRPD&kw=%e6%94%b6%e5%85%a5%e5%86%8d%e5%88%86%e9%85%8d&korder=0&sel=1&xkcode=*
[2] 正常利润.via: http://wiki.mbalib.com/wiki/%E6%AD%A3%E5%B8%B8%E5%88%A9%E6%B6%A6
[3] 胡代光.现代西方经济学词典[Z].中国社会科学出版社,1996.


1. 无论任何一个特殊生产领域的生产费用(从资本家的观点来看)是怎样的,也就是说,无论任何一种特殊商品的生产费用是怎样的,资本家例如都把10%(一般利润率)加在预付额上,他是这样计算的:让一年内生产出来的商品[价值]额得到10%的[利润]。然后这10%加入商品的价格,如果商品按照这个价格出售,正常利润或平均利润便得到实现。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第四十八卷):资本论》,1985:285

1. Whatever the production costs (in the capitalist's eyes) in any particular sphere of production—hence of any particular commodity—the capitalist adds e.g. 10% (the general rate of profit) to the sum advanced, calculates thus that 10% will be added to the amount of commodities produced in a year. This 10% then enters into the price of the commodity, and if the commodity is sold at this price the normal profit, or the average profit, is realised. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 33), 1991: 97.

2. 列宁在这本小册子(指《帝国主义是资本主义的最高阶段》一书——译者注)的第八章中指出了帝国主义两大内在的影响:第一,作为帝国主义基础的垄断造成了延缓和阻滞技术进步的趋势;第二,也是更重要的一点是,帝国主义的超额利润使它有可能去“收买无产阶级的上层,从而培植、形成和巩固机会主义”。——《马克思以后的马克思主义》,2005:96

2. In the eighth chapter of his pamphlet, Lenin pointed to two internal effects of imperialism. First, monopoly - the foundation of imperialism - created a tendency for technical progress to retard and stagnate. Secondly - and more importantly - the super-profits of imperia1ism made it possible ‘to bribe the upper strata of the proletariat, and therefore foster, give shape to, and strengthen opportunism'. -Quoted from Marxism after Marx: An Introduction, 1998: 104.


例句 1:
The audit fees standard for the amount of capital cost decreasing and the amount of agency cost decreasing is a best equilibrium point in theory. If adding the potential allowance for lawsuit, the average profit of accountant’s firms and the disparity of the economic position of different regions, we can get the scope of audit fees standard.

例句 2:
The optimization result not only can increase the customer surplus and improve power production efficiency, but also sustain the normal profits of power plants and the scale economy of power production, at the same time the waste of resource is avoided.

例句 3:
According to the special attribute of the taxi service, authors discussed the pricing mechanism for the taxi service with the relevant theory of economics in detail, and drew a conclusion that the expenses of the taxi service is suitable to adopt the pricing principle of the





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