

字词 普遍意识


general consciousness


Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 183.






1. 这是因为,在这里,我的意识即是人的“普遍意识”,是以“现实共同体、社会存在物为生动形式的那个东西的理论形式”,而在异化劳动的状态下,这种“普遍意识是现实生活的抽象,并且作为这样的抽象是与现实生活相敌对的。因此,我的普遍意识的活动本身也是我作为社会存在物的理论存在”。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:175

1. This is because, “my general consciousness is only the theoretical shape of that of which the living shape is the real community, the social fabric, although at the present day general consciousness is an abstraction from real life and as such confronts it with hostility. The activity of my general consciousness, as an activity, is therefore also my theoretical existence as a social being.” -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 183.

2. 辩论人认为,省议会通过全文发表其辩论情况会由省等级会议的特权变为省的权利;省议会既然直接成为社会精神的对象,就应当下决心成为社会精神的体现;省议会既然被按照普遍意识的精神来解释,它就应当为了普遍的本质放弃自己的特殊本质。对辩论人的这种机智,应当给予赞扬。——《马克思恩格斯全集(第一卷)上》,1960:158

2. One must acknowledge the tact with which the speaker has perceived that by unabridged publication of its debates the Assembly would become a right of the province instead of a privilege of the Assembly of the Estates, that the Assembly, having become an immediate object of the public spirit, would have to decide to be a personification of the latter, and that, having been put in the light of the general consciousness, it would have to renounce its particular nature in favour of the general one. -Quoted from Karl Marx Frederick Engels Collected Works (Vol. 1), 1975: 148.


例句 1:
So the most difficult point of this thesis may rest with how to finish constructing a new value deciding system from the common sense after reconsidering it carefully.

例句 2:
In the unity of the moral self,through the agency of the moral language,the debt of the individual morality is paid,the universal ethical consciousness can get an actual existence,and the acts which contain this consciousness and the individual morality are ackowledged and enter in reconciliation. The ethical spirit is preserved in the world of morality under the form of the “rational intuition”.

例句 3:
As dimension of production, productivity relates to the of becoming, arche, etc. As social dimension of production, praxis relates to the species consciousness or general consciousness of human.





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