

字词 《论货币的本质》


On The Essence of Money


[1] Zhang Yibing. Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics [M]. Göttingen: Universitätsverlag Göttingen, 2014: 74.
[2] Moses Hess. via: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moses_Hess


《论货币的本质》原系赫斯为卢格和马克思创办的《德法年鉴》所写的专稿,时间大约在1842年末到1844年初, 后因该年鉴停刊而未如期发表,直到一年半后才在彼德曼的《莱茵社会改革年鉴》1845年第1卷上刊出。 全文除了以摘录雪莱的《麦布女王》中有关货币的一段叙事诗作为引子外,共分17个自然段。 第1~4段主要谈人的类本质; 第5段重点联系基督教所颠倒的世界观来说明现实社会的颠倒性;从第6段起则结合人类历史与商品世界的现实正面论述货币的本质;第10~13段通过市民社会中的政治、法律的虚妄性以彰明其种种异化表现; 第14~15段再度结合货币异化之表象揭示其罪源;第16~17段试图寻觅消除货币异化的路径以及对未来理想社会的憧憬。当然这只是笔者依据文本的大致思路所做的简要提炼,。青年马克思思想革命前夜,赫斯《论货币的本质》的重要影响不可埋没。它以人的类本质即交往关系作为最符合人性的社会性存在之判据,去反观历史与现实存在的人类借助货币而进行的各类交换活动何以会背离人的类本质而走向了其反面,异化的颠倒性与非人性,反衬着利己主义市民社会中的宗教、政法的虚伪性与反动性,而复归人的交往与协作之自然本性,指出通过斗争与大爱的交错作用,方可通向未来理想的“共产主义 ”。该思想直接为后来的马克思所吸纳,并成为其对市民社会经济学批判的主要工具 。(炎冰,2012:53-60)


炎冰. 金钱异化及其罪源——赫斯《论货币的本质》之文本解读[J].福建论坛(人文社会科学版),2012(11).


1. 我们发现,在步入经济学视界后,赫斯原有的共产主义思想的哲学逻辑开始变得深刻起来:“生命是生产性的生命活动(Lebensthätigkeit)的交换”!这是《论货币的本质》一文的第一句话。从理论逻辑上分析,这标志着赫斯开始从人的自由活动过渡到社会关系,从个体本质过渡到类本质。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:111-112

1. We can see that after centering the realm of economics, the philosophical logic of Hess’ communism started becoming more profound. For evidence of this, we need look no further than the first line of On the Essence of Money: “Life is exchange of creative life-activity (Lebensthätigkeit).” Analyzing this thought from the perspective of theoretical logic, we can see that Hess is beginning to translation from the free activities of man to social relationships, from individual essence to species-essence. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 75.

2. 关于经济异化的思想,显然马克思一开始赫斯的影响(赫斯的《论货币的本质》)。马克思1843年写下的《论犹太人的问题》等文中,这种新的异化理论的思想就已经初露倪端。马克思写道,在经济生活中,金钱是一种在人类主体之外的物,但它又是人类主体本质外在化的表现。金钱明明是人所创造之物,可是现在它却以“一切事物的普遍价值”的身份剥夺了主体自身和整个世界的价值,更重要的是,异化了的主体又不得不匍匐于这个人造物面前,对之顶礼膜拜。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:175

2. In terms of his thinking on economic alienation, it is clear that at first, Marx was heavily influenced by Hess (specifically, Hess’ On the Essence of Money). In works such as Marx’s 1843 On the Jewish Question, the thinking of this new theory of alienation first began to become clear. Marx wrote that in economic life, money is a form of material that exists outside the human subject, but it is also a representation of the externalization of the human essence. Though money is clearly a creation of man, yet now as the universal value of all goods it has deprived the subject itself, as well as the entire world, of its value. More importantly, the alienated subject has no choice but to grovel before this man-made creation. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 128.

3. 舒耳茨的这种思考是十分重要的。他实际上在马克思以前已经比较自觉地从“生产”出发,将社会经济发展视为发端于“原始时代”的人类社会历史的基础。他甚至还提出,国家是社会生产发展到比较发达的阶段才产生的,这一点显然是对古典经济学社会唯物主义的重要理论提升。我注意到,赫斯在《论货币的本质》一文中曾经唯一引述的经济学家就是舒耳茨,也引述了他的这本书。舒耳茨是否是赫斯经济哲学的理论来源?马克思是否从赫斯那里了解到舒耳茨?我们不得而知。——《回到马克思:经济学语境中的哲学话语》,2009:154

3. Schulz’s thinking on this point is extremely important. In fact, even before Marx, Schulz had consciously begun with production, viewing the development of the social economy as beginning with the foundation laid by the history of prehistoric human society. He even advanced the viewpoint that nations did not come into being until social production had reached a certain point of development. This is manifestly an important theoretical improvement over the social materialism od classical economics. I noticed that in Hess’ On the Essence of Money, the only economist cited in Schulz, and of his work, only Movement of production is cited. Was Schulz the starting point for Hess’ theories of economics and philosophy? Did Marx learn about Schulz from Hess? It is impossible for us to know. -Quoted from Back to Marx: Changes of Philosophical Discourse in the Context of Economics, 2014: 110-111.


例句 1:
This article from the Hess’s” on the essence of currency” one article proceed with, through in-depth analysis of the structure and logical, combing the Hess economic thought of alienation that monetary dissimilation theory. 

例句 2:
This argument can be divided into three perspectives: negation, affirmation (objectively), exaggerated, the main focus of the controversy is Hess and Marx in the economic alienation, communist ideas of issues, which derives from Hess’s” on the essence of currency” and Marx’s “on the Jewish question”, who was the first to develop religious alienation to the economy?

例句 3:
This part mainly through comparing the text such as “European troika” , “philosophy of action” and “socialism and communism”, “the only and complete freedom”, the e





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