

字词 人民民主统一战线    

人民民主统一战线    【英】

the people’s democratic united front


Zhou Enlai. Selected Works of Zhou Enlai (Vol. 2) [C]. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press, 1989: 401






1. 今天,讲一讲我们国内人民民主统一战线的新任务和新发展。我国人民民主统一战线,不仅在新民主主义革命中取得了全国的胜利,而且在社会主义改造的过程中继续取得了胜利,现在面临着社会主义建设的伟大任务。——《周恩来选集(下)》,1984:388

1. Today I should like to talk about the development of our people’s democratic united front and the new tasks confronting it. The united front has scored successes not only in the nationwide new-democratic revolution but also during the socialist transformation. Now it is facing a great mission of socialist construction. -Quoted from Selected Works of Zhou Enlai (Vol. 2), 1989: 401.

2. 革命胜利以后,在社会主义改造的过程中,人民民主统一战线是起了作用的,动员了社会上一切可以团结的力量来参加社会主义改造的工作,使我们的社会主义改造进行得比较顺利、比较快。进入了社会主义建设阶段,人民民主统一战线的任务就更重了,就要负起新的任务(当然,同时还有社会主义改造的任务),就要有新的发展。——《周恩来选集(下)》,1984:388

2. After the triumph of the revolution, it helped to mobilize all possible forces in society to participate in socialist transformation, which, as a result, was conducted smoothly and rapidly. Now that we are in the period of socialist construction, the work of the people’s democratic united front becomes heavier. It has to undertake new tasks (in addition to socialist transformation, of course), which will bring about a new development. -Quoted from Selected Works of Zhou Enlai (Vol. 2), 1989: 401.

3. 为着更好地实行民主集中制,我们首先要扩大和发扬民主生活,这也是我们人民民主统一战线要担当的任务。在人民民主统一战线中间,不能说一切参加的成员和所动员起来的力量对我们党和国家的方针、政策都是同意的,会有一部分人不同意的。在这个问题上,我们应当具体分析,区别对待。——《周恩来选集(下)》,1984:389

3. In order to improve democratic centralism, we should first of all broaden our democratic life. This is another task that the people’s democratic united front should assume. It cannot be said that all the members of the united front and the forces they have mobilized will agree with the principles and policies of our Party and government; some of them will not. Such cases require separate analysis and different treatment. -Quoted from Selected Works of Zhou Enlai (Vol. 2), 1989: 402.


例句 1:
In the early years of New China, in order to impose military control and build new social order, the Central Government formed military and administrative commissions in newly liberated eastern, central southern, southwestern and northwestern parts of China as the transitional organs of state power. A lot of patriotic military personnel of Kuomintang and personages of democratic parties were included in these organs, turning them into state agencies under the leadership of the CPC with a wide social base and the nature of people’s democratic united front.

例句 2:
However, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference was established as the form of the people's democratic united front by the Chinese Communists according to the political situation and the development of revolution at that time.

例句 3:
These policies and strategies laid the republic period compatible with the socia





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